Why More Women Are Joining The Transport Industry Amid Covid-19

Yesterday marked International Women’s Day.

Is It Time For More Women In The Transport Industry?

Did you take a moment to celebrate the incredible women in your life?

The pandemic, unfortunately, hasn’t helped in closing the gender gap—especially around pay and employment.

In fact, Covid-19 has impacted women’s jobs disproportionately.

Women have been hit harder by redundancy, business closures, and increased home responsibilities.

Many had to become full-time caregivers when schools shut down.

Male-Dominated vs. Female-Dominated Industries

Male-dominated fields saw hiring slowdowns during the pandemic.

But the impact on female-dominated industries has been staggering.

Sectors like beauty and weddings felt a major hit due to restrictions.

This shift may be why more women are now exploring careers as couriers.

When you think of a white van or delivery driver, do you picture a woman at the wheel?

Why not?

The culture is shifting, and Covid-19 is sparking that change.

Leading The Way In Gender Representation

This week, Scotland set an example in pushing for gender equality in transport.

M&H Carriers, a Scottish transport company, is working to improve gender representation.

Even though women make up 47% of the UK workforce, only 20% work in transport.

But M&H Carriers aims to change that.

Women hold over half of the senior roles at the company.

Their goal?

To break down stereotypes of transport as a male-only field.

They hope more women will begin to see it as a viable career.

The Arts Moving Into Transport

The Arts industry also faced huge setbacks due to Covid-19.

Many artists turned to the delivery industry, stepping into key worker roles.

For example, a trombonist took a job at Yodel.

She spoke of the respect she gained for delivery drivers’ hard work.

A violinist also joined the industry, delivering for Waitrose.

Despite qualifying for government grants, she couldn’t sit idle.

Her new role helped her stay motivated, and she even volunteered at a charity shop on weekends.

Delivery Work: Challenging But Rewarding

As many of you know, delivery driving isn’t easy.

The demands have only grown over the past year and show no signs of slowing.

Yet, we welcome more women to join this vital industry.

Let’s continue fighting for gender equality, together.

For any women considering the delivery field, remember:

You’ll need more than standard van insurance to get started.

Take a look here to see how we can help.

Time To Ditch The Go-Faster Stripes?

Here at Cheap Van Insurance, we know what it’s like.

Van drivers are busy people.

You’ve got places to be and people to see and no time for a chat.

But if you are one of the many white van people who are tempted to exceed the speed limit from time to time,you may want to think again. 

That’s because the boys in blue are rolling out the speed cam in blue.

Anew, handheld camera that is capable of catching drivers who are exceeding the speed limit, day and night, from a distance of 750 metres. 

The new, handheld cameras are being rolled out by police forces up and down the country, including by Warwickshire and Northumberland police.

Costing around £10,000 per camera, they can automatically identify the make, model and number plate of vehicles from a distance – far greater than was previously possible with other handheld speed guns. 

And don’t think if you haven’t been stopped that you haven’t been caught.

These devices automatically send video images to a database and automatically issue a penalty charge.

Penalties are currently a minimum of £100 and three points on your license.

Not only that, these cameras are also capable of detecting errant mobile phone users, tailgaters, and non-seatbelt wearers too.

The days of pretending it wasn’t you behind the wheel of the company van are well and truly over. 

If that wasn’t enough, it can also read rear number plates too and is untraceable to jamming devices that identify fixed speed cameras ahead.

So if you are a bit prone to putting your foot down or driving that littler bit too close, beware. Y

our days without getting caught may just be numbered. 

How to Save On The Cost Of Running Your Van

Christmas is coming. Want to save on costs?

While the goose may be getting fat, many of us are feeling the pinch in our pockets at the end of a tumultuous and unprecedented year. 

You all know the old saying, save the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.

While we here at Cheap Van Insurance work tirelessly to bring you the very best van insurance provider deals.

Direct to your inbox,

which are sure to save you a few quid, we thought we’d go through a few more ways you can save a few pennies. 

1: Summer is over. 

So turn off your AC.

Yes, we know you guys like being cool behind the wheel, but open a window and save yourself a few quid.

Running your AC year-round not only uses a lot of fuel, but also means you’ll need to pay to get your system re-gassed sooner.

So think twice before you have it on blast all day.

2: Stop costs going through the roof.


Having stuff piled on the top of your van such as ladders can end up costing a few quid more than you need.

Of course, you need some of the stuff, but all of it, all of the time? Maybe not.

Not only does the extra weight add to fuel costs, but it also does a number on your aerodynamics,

adding more drag which again, equals paying more at the pumps.

3: Consider how much you fill up:

Adding fuel means adding weight and if you don’t need a full tank, why go all the way?

Fill up not quite so full and a little more frequently and you’ll pocket the savings.

4: Consider how much you fill up (part 2):

Do you really need everything in the back of your van?

Is your cab full of rubbish that can be binned?

Have a good clear out and only take what you need for your jobs. Less weight = less fuel.

It’s a smart and simple way to save a few bob. 

5: Drive in style:

If you have cruise control and can use it, do so.

If you have a more modern van with a fuel efficiency mode, use it.

We know it goes against the very ethos of many van men, but driving calmly and smoothly can really make the biggest difference to your fuel consumption and costs.

Go gently, easy on the brakes and slow on the revs and you’ll be able to see the difference in your wallet in no time.

Now, all that you need to decide is what you want to spend those savings on. Christmas is coming, after all. 

Step 1

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