How Sneezing Become Deadly For A Lorry Driver

Today we bring you a sad story about a sneezing lorry driver.

You may have heard the tragic news already, but if you haven’t, then let this serve as a stark warning.

What Reacting Too Late Can Cost You

The tragic incident of a van driver becoming blind in one eye, and suffering brain damage, happened nearly 3 years ago.

However, the man who was the cause of the accident has just been sentenced.

The event happened due to a lorry driver suffering a sneezing fit.

His reactions were too slow, and unfortunately, he did not slow down in time.

This resulted in a crash between his lorry and the van driver.

It has also been reported that the lorry driver was using cruise control.

Unfortunately, after three years, the van driver, Mr Steven Hurst, still suffers from severe memory loss.

The Price to Pay

The lorry driver will spend a year in prison for his mistake, as well as a driving ban lasting two years.

On top of this, he will carry out 80 hours of work (unpaid).

He will also follow the rules of a strict curfew for half a year, as his sentence has been deferred for 15 months.

However, there is clear remorse from Colin Shaw, as he has accepted his mistake and declared he did not react quickly enough.

He agreed that despite traffic being clear to see for nearly half of a mile, he did not use his brakes in time and was too slow to do so.

A sobering admission.

Van Drivers, Be Vigilant

We know this could happen to any motorist out there, but lorry and van drivers, in particular, deal with long hours.

The tiring effects can be detrimental to driving confidence and ability.

We have even heard about people getting into accidents due to wasps in the car, or something similar.

Our sympathies go out to Mr Hurst and his family.

It is tragic and cannot be helped, but perhaps being aware of what could go wrong can help.

Should things take a tragic turn of events, you’re going to want to make sure you’re covered by good insurance.

Fill out this quick 3-minute form to see how you gain just that, as well as make a saving. 

Drive In Hiring New Delivery Drivers To Cost Company Millions

Who’s hiring delivery drivers?

Can you guess which company it is?

The story has been doing the rounds all week.

Okay, fine, we won’t keep you in suspense.

Drum roll, please… It’s only everyone’s favourite online supermarket that goes by the name, Ocado. 

Just What Has Ocado Been Up to?

By now, you have likely heard about the serious fuss over delivery driver shortages in the UK.

Unless, of course, you live under a rock.

To attract more employees, Ocado is advertising their delivery driver roles using everyone’s most hated best friend: money.

By offering higher wages and bonuses, they hope these incentives will fill the delivery driver void.

Why are Ocado Offering Higher Wages to Drivers?

Recently, it was confirmed by the UK government, that HGV tests would be sped up and also made easier.

You may have read about it in one of our previous blog posts. 

So, following this news, Ocado hopes their soaring wages will be motivation enough for drivers to want to join them.

At the moment, it is estimated that we are short of around a whopping 90,000 drivers.


Naturally, this has caused disruption to supermarket supply chains, fuel and all sorts of other goods.

Are you one of the many thousands who have been affected by the shortages? 

So, What Are Ocado Moaning About?

In paying you lot higher wages and bonuses (as they should), they are estimating it will cost the company an additional £5 million (at least). 

However, we’re hoping this trend of paying our fellow delivery driver higher salaries continues.

Especially as Ocado are not the first to brag about this.

In fact, John Lewis and Aldi have also recently decided to up their delivery driver wages.

Tesco has also jumped on board the bandwagon and are offering decent bonus packages to join them, too. 

Let’s hope these higher paid wages and bonuses are enough to entice delivery drivers back, eh?

Where are you all? We miss you. 

For those of you who are still in the profession, or looking to join, it’s a good thing you’ve stumbled upon this blog post.

The first thing you need to do is to consider van insurance.

There are additional details you need to consider as a delivery driver, too. 

Find out all you need to know about cheap van insurance by completing this quick 3-minute form.

From Angry Amazon Bosses To Delivery Drivers Academies: This Week’s Top Stories

Delivery drivers….

So, we have two things to report on this week.

The first is actually from across the pond, involving an angry Amazon manager and his poor employee.

The second is related to the ongoing fear of driver shortages Britain is facing at the moment.

Stay Off My Lawn!

Something perhaps more fitting for an elderly gentleman to yell at some troublesome teens.

But no.

This unfortunate Amazon delivery driver received a whole lotta abuse from his own manager. 

You may have seen the video doing the rounds online.

It’s been published in most tabloid newspapers, so it isn’t too hard to find, but you may not want to watch it.

If delivery drivers didn’t have enough to put up with already, this really takes the biscuit. 

The manager claims his employee broke several rules whilst delivering the package to his loving boss.

So, naturally, he felt the best way to let his worker know about it, was to yell at him.


The main issue the video captures is the berated delivery driver walking across his manager’s grass to deliver the package.

Clearly, a rookie mistake and one that warrants verbal abuse.

Said no one, ever. 

Have you ever experienced unreasonable behaviour from your manager as a delivery driver?

Let us know — we’d love to call them out on it.

Of course, we’d hope no one in Britain would be quite as ‘stern’ when talking to their delivery drivers.

It appears America is a whole other kettle of fish.

Considering A Career Change?

Next up.

If you feel you aren’t being treated well enough as a delivery driver, then why not consider becoming a lorry driver?

With all the driver shortages, Brexit, Covid-19, and just general chaos and hoo-ha that’s hit Britain lately.

Selco is helping with the panic. 

They’ve decided to launch an academy for lorry drivers, encouraging van drivers to become HGV drivers instead.

They’ve also recently increased their pay.

Not too shabby, eh?

So, what do you reckon?

Career change to rid yourself of the annoying boss?

We’d hope not, especially in the UK.

So until then, and as usual, we’ve got your back with the cheapest van insurance quotes around.

You’re welcome.

Delivery Drivers: Shortages And The High-Stakes Solution In The US

Delivery drivers.

Drive it, 420.

We’re not actually sure if that makes sense, but that’s what the folks in America have decided.

For once, this isn’t a post about electric vans…

So, this week’s news comes from the other side of the pond.

Quite a big pond, actually, as this is news from the ol’ U.S. of A.

Just as the UK has been experiencing delivery driver shortages here, the same has been happening across the US. 

Now, there’s a number of reasons that have been suggested for the shortage in the UK…

We’ve seen stuff about Covid-19 and the ‘Pingdemic’, Brexit, and all sorts of excuses.

Our suspicions are that it probably involves many reasons, so we won’t point the blame anywhere specific.

Whilst the US can’t blame Brexit, they are still suffering from delivery problems.

And so, they’ve used some initiative. 

In America, some states have legalised cannabis, but not ALL of them.

Now, delivery companies are specifically advertising job listings, that stipulate that there is no mandatory drug testing.

This is a particular company, by the way.

You may have heard of them before…

Say, does Amazon ring a bell?

Not only Amazon drivers, but also all the other delivery companies it sub-contracts with.

They’re facing a serious dilemma. Even the munchies can’t ease their concerns. (Sorry, we couldn’t resist!)

Many current drivers and potential hires fail cannabis and THC tests.

Because of this, they’re facing a real shortage, which is now verging on a crisis.

So much so, that the job descriptions that are going out have specific detail that claims there is ‘no marijuana testing’ or ‘THC testing’. 

Many states in the US have decriminalized cannabis.

Some lobbyists are seizing this opportunity to push the agenda further.

They argue that if Amazon can ignore marijuana screening, then so can everyone else.

Van drivers in the UK don’t need to worry about ‘high’ delivery drivers right now.

However, it’s something to consider if cannabis is ever legalised in the UK.

We’re pretty certain we Brits would have more common sense than to get behind the wheel whilst under the influence of anything.

If you need to claim against someone who isn’t law-abiding, you’ll need reliable van insurance.

It’s essential for getting you out of a sticky situation.

It’s a good thing we’ve got you covered with the best and cheapest van insurance quotes around, eh?

Driver Takes His Van For A Swim

Driver Takes His Van For A Swim?

Yes, you did read what you thought you just read.

And whilst it’s not quite as simple as that, we’re phrasing it that way, so the driver doesn’t feel too bad. 

…But he should. 

This week’s news comes fresh to you from Exmouth.

A lovely English Seaside town in the South of Devon, that can get quite lively, from what we hear.

Well, lively enough for a van driver to park his van on a tidal slipway, slip off for a quiet pint or two, and forget about the van.

The driver went off for a pint, that is – not the van.

Then again, the van did go swimming, so who knows what else it’s capable of…

Unfortunately, this memory loss has cost the driver dearly.

The next thing he knew, town members had spotted his white van bobbing off into the sea.

Regrettably, he was not made aware of this until the next morning, when he returned to pick up his van.

Thankfully, the driver appears to have remained upbeat.

What else can you do, we suppose?

We’re not sure what exactly is in the air and affecting our dear van drivers this week, but similar news also hit the headlines in Cornwall. 

Whilst we don’t think a pint was involved this time, there was some blatant disregard for parking rules.

The unfortunate driver was initially at Newquay Harbour Beach to help launch a boat.

He then ignored signs and protests from the parking attendant about leaving his van on the beach.

Well, karma sure came around for this guy because the next thing he knew, his van was already submerged, having a dip in the sea.

The best thing (or worst thing?) was that he left his van there, just so he could go off and jet ski with a buddy.

That’ll teach him. Hopefully.

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever left your van parked?

We’re sure there are some juicy stories out there… So, come on, don’t be shy! 

If, like the unfortunate drivers in this article, you ever find your van needing a float in the form of van insurance, we’re thankful to say we have you covered.

 So whether you’re planning on parking on the beach (let’s hope not),

or somewhere a little more sensible (like the road, or a driveway, perhaps?),

you’ll find we have the cheapest van insurance quotes around.

Has The Driver Shortages Affected You?

If you haven’t heard about the driver shortages, you’re likely not from the UK.

Otherwise, you must be living under a rock.

Remember this post we made a few weeks ago about tests for van and lorry drivers being made easier?

This was because the UK was facing the severe issue of a lack of delivery drivers — from vans to HGV drivers.

The reasons are numerous.

The driver shortages stem from Brexit, with Covid-19 making things much worse.

It’s like a tornado stirring the pot.

If there wasn’t a shortage already, ‘pingdemic’, as it has been affectionately named, has unfortunately caused further chaos.

This is because drivers are being pinged left, right and centre, and being told to self-isolate by the ‘track and trace’ app. 

As you can imagine, the consequences have been dire.

Many newsagents, including the chain NISA, have had to drive their vans to pick up supplies.

This is due to severe staff shortages among their suppliers.

This is time and effort spent on top of maintaining and managing their store branches and dealing with staff off work themselves, too. 

There are calls for the government to allow drivers who have been vaccinated (with both jabs) to skip the isolation period.

This is as long as they continue to test, and the results are negative.

At the moment, this is due to come into force from the 16th of August, but things could change — sooner or be pushed to later.

So, everything is up in the air, and everyone is panicking.


We think so.

What do you think?

Has the media blown this out of proportion, or is this something that needs further immediate attention?

Have you been affected directly by the driver shortages?

The struggling supermarkets certainly show us how serious this all this.

Let us know your thoughts! 

For any new drivers needing cheap van insurance, we’re always here for you.

All you have to do is complete this form, and be welcomed into a world of cheap van insurance providers, that you won’t find elsewhere.

The best thing is — the form takes less than 3 minutes to complete.

It’s Happening. Driverless Vans Are Here…

Driverless, really?

So, we all knew it was coming, as more and more electric vans are on the horizon for production.

Autonomous vans are also hitting the headlines.

But did you think driverless delivery vans would be here this quickly?

What’s the latest on all this about driverless vans?!

Without a driver at the wheel (I don’t think we can say that enough, as we’re in disbelief), an electric van from Arrival has successfully made a journey to a parcel depot.

The demonstrators gathered last week, and now that the company has announced a partnership with Uber in the US, we’re here to tell you, friends.

The future looks green.

Of course, the van now requires further testing on roads, but after this successful event, we’re certain that will happen soon.

Who is Arrival?

  • Arrival focuses on making transport zero emissions, so you’ll probably hear their name mentioned frequently in the future.
  • If you’re interested in watching the video from Arrival, you can click the link here. It shows you everything you need to know about Robopilot, and more.

Can we really be surprised that vans are delivering goods without drivers in this day and age?

If you’re local to Milton Keynes, or have been there recently, you may have seen robots going about their business.

These little delivery carriers brought food to the large town of MK, especially during the height of the pandemic.

And they’re still there. So, for some of you, this may not surprise you at all.

Read more about the tiny Milton Keynes robots here.

So, what’s next? Robots cooking our dinner?


There’s plenty of tongues wagging about the future of many motors being autonomous.

Some say this is to cut down on the number of human lives lost to major accidents and traffic incidents.

Others say it’s an abomination. 

What’s your take on it? We can only imagine it’s all a bit terrifying, to be honest. Let us know your thoughts.

Until the inevitable war with the robots from Milton Keynes takes place, we’re still here.

We’ve got you covered with the cheapest van insurance quotes around. Simply fill in your details here, and get an instant quote!

Tests For Van Drivers Made Easier

The tests van drivers need to take will be relaxed — but it’s not necessarily a good thing.

You may have heard about the very serious hoo-ha of a shortage of HGV drivers and van drivers facing the UK at the moment.

Some are blaming Covid-19 and the number of tests that have had to be cancelled.

Others are firmly pointing their fingers at Brexit.

Some are blaming an accumulation of both, alongside other resulting factors in the past, very unusual, year. 

We’re not one to accuse people or pandemics (although perhaps we should), but there is a major concern here.

With the tests being made easier, it could be argued that they’re being relaxed a smidgen too far.

And with the ease of passing the tests, there is a rise in numbers of people being concerned about safety issues.

Depending on where you live, you may have also noticed a few empty shelves at your local supermarket.

Again, sparked by Brexit or the COVID-19 app pinging left, right and centre, telling people to isolate and keep the country safe?

Once again, it could be a bit of both. 

Whatever the reason is for the cause of these shortages, from empty shelves to delivery drivers.

This could really affect the safety of our HGV and van drivers out there.

For example, this relaxing of the requirements to pass the test follows a decision that affects breaks that lorry drivers can take.

Now, drivers have to drive for longer before they can take a break, as if it wasn’t exhausting enough already.

The Secretary for Transport, Grant Shapps, has launched a plan of action.

This could increase the number of van drivers passing their tests to over 1,500 successful passes a week.

Off-road manoeuvres are also in the plan to be discarded. 

Are you a van driver and feel strongly about this?

Or, are you going to be sitting your test soon?

Let us know how you feel about the latest news.

Whilst you’re here, whether you’re a seasoned van driver or a new one.

Something we can all agree on is where you get the cheapest van insurance from. Guess what? It’s right here.

Tailgating: Avoid Fines From The Latest Driving Law

Are you guilty of tailgating?

Okay, own up.

Maybe you’ve done so in the past.

Perhaps, that one Tuesday when you were running late and the Nissan Micra in front of you was crawling along at a snail’s pace?

The Nissan needed a hint, or you were going to fall behind on deliveries. 

Or, perhaps reading the above makes you angry.

Are you on the side of van drivers who absolutely hate tailgating?

Have you ever fallen victim to it yourself? 

Well, whether you’re guilty or not, you may want to rethink driving too close to other cars.

This is solely down to the latest driving law that may be on the cards and introduced very soon.

A law that penalises drivers who might be driving, let’s say, a little too close for comfort. 

And surprisingly, it’s you, the drivers, who are backing these proposals from recent campaigns.

Nearly 90% of motorists would happily support these plans to hand out fines to offenders, as it would unequivocally promote and increase road safety.

Do you agree that more needs to be done?

Recent results from trials surrounding tailgating indicate a likelihood of the new rule catching potentially thousands of offenders.

The UK government trialled the technology that would be used to catch tailgaters in Northamptonshire, specifically across the M1.

The tech is able to detect whether motorists – yes, that even includes you in the Ford Transit there, sir – are keeping a 2-second gap from the vehicle in front of you.

And this is at all times! 

Tailgating is a potentially risky and major problem for drivers on the road, especially for our lovely, innocent drivers.

Did you know it was listed as the reason for nearly 600 severe accidents in the previous year?

Tragically, in 28 of these, death was the result for some people.

Perhaps this is an excellent time for the government to put these proposals into action, especially with recent campaigns gaining so much support.

So, what do we think?

Not worth the risk, eh.

The last thing you want after being out and about in your van is to come home to a letter stating you’ve been caught tailgating.

Safer roads are something we definitely stand for – that, and cheap van insurance, of course!

Should We Be Cautious Of Driverless Vans?

You may have heard the recent rumors of the latest government plans surrounding driverless cars.

If you haven’t, allow us to help:

The UK plans to legalise driverless cars later this year.

However, there are some people out there who fear this could bring a whole range of additional headaches.

While some people feel that this move aims to keep drivers safer out there.

others feel it could be distracting.

The government believes road safety could be improved by a reduction in human error,

which causes over 85% of road accidents.

However, necessary training will need to be deployed for anyone considering using self-driving vehicles,

which could bring about a busier workload to some industries.

At the moment, there are only plans for driverless cars to allow assistance for speeds that go up to 37 miles per hour,

and on motorways.

However, just like with cruise control options on some motors,

handing over control to your vehicle doesn’t mean you will be free to do something else.

The same laws apply,

so you can’t use your mobile phone (unless hands-free),

or start eating that KFC you just picked up from Peterborough services.

You will still need to keep full attention on the road.

Should the requirement be there, drivers will need to be able to take control of their vans immediately. 

At the moment, we are waiting for changes to the Highway Code,

and other laws to come into place before any of this can happen.

Others say vigorous testing needs to happen before allowing these plans to come to fruition, too.

Some argue that self-driving vehicles aren’t always the safest options, as a recent Tesla crash has shown. 

So, should we allow technology to fully take control of our wheels?

How do you think it might affect your industry?

If you drive a van for your job, you might welcome this information.

On the other hand, do you feel autonomous vans might be a step too far?

Let us know your thoughts!

For us, vans with drivers, or without, we’re concerned with giving you the best deals.

So, you can bet that we’ve got you covered with the cheapest van insurance deals around.

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