Van Stunt Gone Wrong: The Cost Of Playing Daredevil 

Are you using your van to give mates a ride…

We’re not talking about giving your friends the odd lift here and there – we’re not that stingy.

However, if you’re planning on sticking a chair to the roof of your van,

stick a mate in said chair,

and then speed around…

You may want to rethink things.

And no, this week’s post is not a joke! 

When playing daredevil goes wrong

You know when you were a child, and you were playing on a bike or a skateboard with your friends,

you were maybe tempted to try out some wacky moves.

And that’s absolutely fine, as long as you considered health and safety.

However, what we don’t recommend is fixing a picnic chair on top of your van with bungee straps as a 22-year-old.

And then using that chair to have not one –

but 4 friends – having an ol’ jolly in it whilst you speed around in a car park for A CATTLE MARKET.

You can’t make this stuff up, and reader, we promise we’re not.

In fact, you can read more about it here if we’ve got your curiosity radar on the go. 

What playing daredevil with your van could cost you

Dear van driver friends, as always, we like to say that something just aren’t worth it.

And once again, we have been proven right. 

This van driver rebel found himself being marched to Lincoln Magistrate’s Court where he has been given a suspended sentence of just over 2 years in prison.

Let’s not forget that authorities also banned him from driving for 18 months.

Again. Just not worth it, is it?

What to do when van stunts go wrong

Well, just in case things do end up hurtling in the wrong direction after a daring van stunt or three, you’re going to want good van insurance.

Good van insurance doesn’t always come cheap, however we have the best and cheapest van insurance deals right here. 

All it takes is 3 minutes to complete this quick form, and you’ll have a list of providers before you can say “wicked van stunts”. 

Delivery Drivers’ Dirty Motives

Delivery drivers… Don’t be this guy.

Sometimes, women despair.

And when you hear what these dirty delivery drivers have been up to, the despair is felt strongly, and rightly so.

Not The Right Idea Of Romance From Delivery Driver

A former model living in Wolverhampton has been left fearing for her safety. 


Well, let’s just say it’s a little creepy.

A delivery driver from Iceland felt it was a good idea to send her a romantic proposal by text message.

This was following a delivery slot when he dropped off her groceries. 

The lady in question was clinically vulnerable and didn’t feel comfortable shopping in-store at groceries during the height of the pandemic.

She found herself feeling vulnerable in other ways, too. 

Now, the scenario might sound harmless to some, but to a woman living on her own, it can be quite frankly, rather scary.

This delivery driver not only knew her name, and her number but due to the nature of his work, also knew where she lived.

Yet, she knew nothing about him.

Whilst it may sound like a good idea on paper, these sorts of messages should really be thought through properly.

Especially if your idea of a lovely date is proposing to meet in the local park the next day.

Not dodgy at all, mate.

The poor lady felt so vulnerable and overwhelmed by the situation that she sought legal action.

Whilst nothing has come of it so far, let’s hope it’s certainly enough to scare off others from a copycat scenario. 

Another Day, Another Deliver Driver Inappropriate Advance

Over in Fife, a van driver has had to go to court.

Yep, you guessed it – another shady proposal made to an innocent woman.

This time it was in broad daylight. 

This delivery man thought he’d try his hand at a far more sinister request, and went straight to asking for an exchange in monies, and well…

We’ll let you guess the rest.

He then had the audacity to pretend he had a brain tumour and didn’t have long to live.

We didn’t think people actually used that as a line in real life. 

Let’s Keep Things Professional

If you are also disgusted by the above story and abhor this kind of behaviour, then you’re probably one of the good ones.

So, we’re going to treat you to some amazingly cheap van insurance deals.

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Flames, Frames and Freemen

Should Freeman pay for Van Insurance?

We’re only two weeks into January, yet the headlines surrounding van drivers seem to become stranger and stranger…

Let’s start with news from Wales.

This story isn’t as weird as it is disturbing, so get ready to grit your teeth. 

Flames And Frames In Wales

Unfortunately, desperation can often get the best of us, but for Mr Sean Clarke, it’s safe to say it consumed him. 

In a hopeless bid to cash out on an insurance claim, Mr Clarke thought he would try to frame one of his friends for setting a van alight.

Not just any old van mind, but a lovely Vauxhall Combo van.

The clearly troubled Mr Clarke had hoped his story of his giving the van’s keys to his friend would suffice with the authorities, but of course, it wasn’t.

The police followed up quite thoroughly and came to the obvious conclusion that Mr Clarke had, in fact, set the van on fire himself.

With 12 offences under his belt already, we sincerely hope Mr Clarke gets the help he needs to turn his life around.

To read more about this story, you can catch it here.

Freemen Of The Land Should Pay For Their Van Insurance Too

So, here is where it starts to get strange.

The first thing we should do is disregard the plural here.

This story is more about a ‘Freeman’ rather than a bunch of them. 

In Staffordshire’s Woodville, police had a laugh after stopping a van driver without insurance.

The driver claimed that as a “Freeman of the land”, he did not require van insurance.

In his head, simply refusing to consent to the laws in the UK meant he didn’t have to follow them. 

Sure, sure… Makes total sense.

Unfortunately for the “Freeman”, the police officers did not see it his way.

This inevitably led to a lot of police time wasted after he refused to exit the van, but he was arrested in the end. His lovely black Vauxhall was also seized, too.

If you’d like to read more about the “Freeman”, you can do so right here.

I’m No Freeman Or Flameman, But Would Like Cheap Van Insurance Deals, Please

Well, it’s good to have you on board, friends.

If you’re a simpler person like us and would rather avoid the hassles of flames, framing and Freemen, then you’re in the right place.

We’re here to treat you to the best and cheapest van insurance deals around.

All it takes to begin your journey is to complete this quick 3-minute form.

Unruly Van Drivers Give Us a Bad Name

Stop. Please, stop. You know who you are. 

This week, we’ve heard of quite a few instances that have been rather… Well, out of the ordinary. Let’s start off with one that’s perhaps slightly more light-hearted.

Asda Delivery Driver Down in the Dumps

Yet another viral video has been doing the rounds across the internet involving an unfortunate van driver. 

This time, it isn’t in favour of the delivery driver either, unlike this lucky fella.

Let’s cut to the chase. When we’re referring to ‘dumps’, we mean a very certain kind. Try it as a verb, and in the colloquial sense. Yep, it’s true. 

This unlucky delivery driver for Asda was caught doing his business (a number 2, to be precise) OUTSIDE A CUSTOMER’S HOME. No, we’re not kidding. He even had a handy roll of toilet paper sat on the front seat of his van. Makes you think, doesn’t it? Does he make a habit out of this? We truly hope not.

Although he thinks he may have got away with it, the poor driver was unaware he’d been filmed by the customer. And so, he went viral across various social media channels. Asda picked up on it, of course, and is now trying to locate the driver. 

Be honest. Is it you?

Bolting from the Police in Bolton

Look, if you fancy yourself as one of the drivers in the Fast and Furious, it’s best to hire out a car and take it to a track. What we don’t recommend, is using your van to try to run from the police, of all people. 

This bold driver from Bolton tried to get away from the police and ignored all signs to stop. We don’t think that’s what the manufacturers had in mind when they made Ford Transit Vans, mate. No wonder he got caught.

Naturally, the van driver has been fined and had points added to his licence. Next time, we recommend just renewing your licence, and perhaps you won’t be stopped. So, let’s not go getting any ideas, yeah?

Good Van Drivers Keep Reading

If we’ve got you thinking about your licence and how it may need renewing soon, then hey, you’re already in the right place! 

We have the cheapest van insurance deals here for you. Begin by completing this quick 3-minute form.

BANNED (And Dangerous?) – VDGW

It sounds like a new episode of VDGW (Van Drivers Gone Wild) doesn’t it? Unfortunately the VDGW cameras didn’t catch this on tape.

This story happened in Yorkshire, a place made famous by the classic TV programme “Traffic Cops.”

Our very own VDGW will soon reach the lofty heights of “Traffic Cops,” you can bet on that, and it will soon even challenge “Can’t Pay, Take It Away,” as The Nations Favourite.

Back to the story and a Yorkshire van driver who was BANNED from driving decided it was ok for him to get behind the wheel.

He didn’t care that his license had been ripped up and didn’t care that he didn’t have any van insurance.

It was his cousin’s van to be exact, although his cousin had broke his toe which meant he couldn’t drive.

“Get behind the wheel for me, cuz?” might have been the words spoken between the pair.

So the cousin did what a good cuz would do and got behind the wheel of the white van.

No license and no insurance…was this man dangerous? Did he go on a rampage worthy of VDGW?

In a word…No.

In fact, reports suggest he was a very careful driver who moved through the gears smoothly, stuck to the speed limit, and drove with hands at 10 and 2.

Some onlookers even suggested he waved at old women while driving and slammed his breaks on to allow a kitten to cross the road.

The perfect driver? Maybe, and model citizen? Perhaps…And he would have got away with as well if it hadn’t have been for…

A defective light!

Those “Traffic Cops” were soon right up his rear van door and flashing their blue lights.

“I’m going to pull this guy off the road,” said one Traffic Cop in a thick Yorkshire accent.

“Yeah, pull him off,” said his partner.

Long story short. This disqualified van driver found himself in court on charges of driving while disqualified and driving with no insurance.

“I’m Guilty,” he said in front of a shocked jury.

“I’m sending you to prison then,” replied the judge as the trusty hammer was slammed down.

“I’ve already got my bag packed,” replied the van driver.

Let this be a reminder to every van driver out there…

If you don’t have van insurance then you could go to prison.

The Police are becoming tougher on van drivers without insurance. It doesn’t matter if you are a safe driver or a nice guy…if you don’t have insurance then you could end up in the slammer.

So make sure you get insured today by filling in our 3 minute form. You have the power to compare over 40 companies and brokers, and will be amazed at the very cheap van insurance prices.

White Van Man VS Bailiff – “OH NO!”

It is the confrontation you have all been waiting for. The moment a white van man meets a bailiff. Everybody looked on in anticipation.

“The summer of rage is upon us,” said one onlooker as the burly bailiff looked mean and keen and ready for a ruck.

“OH NO!” said another onlooker as they spotted the white van. “This is going to get ugly,” they went on to add.

“Is this going to be on Can’t Pay, Take It Away?” asked another onlooker

“No. I think it will be on that new programme…Van Drivers Gone Wild,” replied another bystander.

Everybody got ready for fists flying and necks cracking. Rage, Anger and Discontent, all rolled into one.

But then…everybody ended up disappointed.

There was no confrontation and there was no street battle.

However, the White Van Man did get one up on the Bailiff, and he didn’t even have to get out of his van.

Could it be that our very own van white man is becoming smarter. Instead of seeing red and going instantly after the bailiff, the white van man made a simple phone call to give the bailiff what onlookers called…

“A taste of his own medicine.”

What happened here is the bailiff was on the street to do an eviction (nothing to do with the white van man).

But the bailiff decided it was ok to park in front of the drive of the white van, blocking it in.

“You can’t park there,” said the white van man from inside his van.”

“I can do what I want…I’m a bailiff!”

Trapped inside his drive like a lion in a cage, you would have expected fireworks at this moment. But no…a simple phone call led to something that nobody expected.

The Police came around and CLAMPED THE BAILIFF!!

Why? Because the white van man had a number of disabled stickers in his back window, which meant the bailiff had no right to park there.

While the bailiff was off doing an enforcement elsewhere on the street, his own van was being clamped.

So that is White Van Man 1 – Bailiff 0 – and the white van man didn’t even need to get out of his van.

Instead he sat patiently in his van and waited for the clamper to arrive. No doubt on his smartphone and visiting CVI to pass the time. Reading our blog posts and getting cheap van insurance from our 3 minute form.

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