Tradespeople Fight Back: The Shocking Truth About Tool Theft


Tool theft is crippling UK tradespeople.

For electricians, plumbers, and builders, a van serves as much more than just a vehicle.

In fact, it functions as their mobile workshop, office, and primary source of income.

Yet, criminals treat them like easy targets.

Every break-in costs thousands. Every stolen tool forces another tradesperson out of work.

Here’s the problem—many van owners no longer feel safe leaving their vehicles unattended.

As a result, they are constantly worried about potential break-ins.

Some refuse jobs unless they can keep their van in sight.

Others risk parking fines because a ticket is better than losing an entire toolkit.

Enough is enough.

In response to rising thefts, tradespeople have brought their fight to Parliament Square.

By doing so, they are demanding harsher penalties for thieves.

Their message? Protect our tools. Protect our jobs.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Tool theft is out of control—one van break-in happens every 12 minutes.
  • Tradespeople are struggling—without tools, they can’t work or earn a living.
  • The law is failing them—most thieves face little to no punishment.
  • A protest is pushing for change—van owners are demanding stronger sentences.
  • New legislation could help—but will MPs finally listen?

Let’s break it down.

The Scale Of The Tool Theft Crisis On Tradespeople

This isn’t just bad luck.

It’s an epidemic.

In 2023 alone, thieves targeted 44,000 vans, stealing tools and causing financial devastation—a 5% rise compared to the previous year.

To put that into perspective, a van gets broken into every 12 minutes, leaving countless tradespeople struggling to recover.

And here’s the kicker—many tradespeople don’t even bother reporting it because they know nothing will happen.

Why Do Thieves Target Vans?

Because they know they can get away with it.

Here’s why:

  • Tools are worth thousands—most van setups cost £10,000+.
  • Reselling is easy—stolen tools show up at car boot sales with no trace.
  • Security is weak—many vans rely on basic locks that criminals bypass in seconds.
  • Police focus on other crimes—officers prioritise violent offences over tool theft.

See the issue?

Taking advantage of every loophole, thieves continue to exploit the system.

As a result, tradespeople are the ones who suffer the most.

“If they steal our tools, they steal our jobs.”

Once the tools disappear, getting back on your feet isn’t easy.

Why The Current Laws Are Failing Tradespeople

Right now, criminals aren’t scared of getting caught.

As a result, tool theft continues to rise unchecked.

Why would they be?

The legal system treats tool theft as a minor crime.

Even if police arrest a thief, the punishment is embarrassingly weak:

  • Fines are small—many thieves walk away with a slap on the wrist.
  • Convictions are rare—most cases never even make it to trial.
  • Stolen tools stay lost—without a paper trail, police can’t return them to owners.
  • Victims suffer the most—they lose their tools, their income, and sometimes their businesses.

Sound fair?

Tradespeople don’t think so.

That’s why they’re fighting back.

The Real Impact On Tradespeople

Losing a van full of tools isn’t just frustrating;

more importantly, it creates both a financial crisis and a mental burden that can be overwhelming.

Let’s talk about Jason, a gas engineer.

He knows this struggle all too well.

  • Thieves broke into his first van, stealing £8,500 worth of tools.
  • He replaced everything and bought a new van, hoping it would be safer.
  • It wasn’t—criminals struck again.

Now, he refuses jobs unless he can see his van at all times.

“If I can’t see my van, I refuse the job.”

He’s not alone.

  • Some risk parking tickets just to keep their van in sight.
  • Others turn down work if they can’t park nearby.
  • Many struggle with anxiety, constantly worrying about another break-in.

This can’t continue.

Tradespeople shouldn’t have to choose between working and protecting their livelihoods.

But with weak laws, criminals keep winning.

The Protest Outside Parliament By Tradespeople

Enough was enough.

In response, tradespeople brought their fight to the Government.

As a result, they organised a slow-drive protest through Parliament Square.

The message was clear: tool theft destroys lives.

Vans covered in bold slogans sent a powerful statement:

  • “Every tool stolen is a job lost.”
  • “Hands off our van.”

Drivers blared their horns, demanding action.

Even protesters dressed as a spanner and a tube of caulk joined in, waving at passing motorists.

But let’s be clear—this wasn’t about causing chaos.

Tradespeople weren’t blocking roads or stopping work. They were fighting for their future.

And their demand was simple: harsher punishments for thieves.

So, did the Government listen?

That’s the big question.

The Push For Stronger Laws

Tradespeople aren’t giving up anytime soon.

They fully understand that without stronger laws, tool theft will only escalate.

As a result, more tradespeople will continue to suffer.

Instead, the problem will only get worse, affecting more tradespeople every day.

Over time, more tradespeople will be affected, facing the loss of their tools and income.

As a consequence, many will struggle to continue working.

Right now, MPs are under pressure to act.A New Law Could Change Everything

In December, Labour MP Amanda Martin introduced the Theft of Tools of Trade (Sentencing) Bill.

This bill would:

  • Increase sentences for tool thieves.
  • Classify tool theft as a higher-priority crime.
  • Recognise stolen tools as “significant additional harm” in court.

If passed, criminals will face real consequences.

But here’s the problem—laws take time.

Meanwhile, thousands of tradespeople remain at risk every single day.

So, what can van owners do right now?

How Tradespeople Can Protect Themselves

Until the law catches up, tradespeople need to take action.

Here’s what can help:

1. Upgrade Van Security

  • Invest in high-quality locks – Factory locks aren’t enough.
  • Install a van alarm – A loud siren can scare thieves away.
  • Use deadlocks – These prevent doors from being forced open.
  • Add a tool safe – Keep tools locked in a separate metal compartment.

2. Choose Parking Spots Wisely

  • Park in well-lit areas – Thieves prefer dark, hidden spots.
  • Avoid high-risk locations – Some areas report more van thefts than others.
  • Face doors against a wall – This prevents thieves from prying them open.

3. Mark and Track Your Tools

  • Engrave your business name – Marked tools are harder to resell.
  • Use GPS tracking – Devices like Tile and Apple AirTags can help locate stolen tools.
  • Register serial numbers – Some police units check stolen tool databases.

4. Get the Right Van Insurance

Even the best security isn’t foolproof.

That’s why having the right insurance matters.

Not all van insurance policies cover tool theft, so tradespeople must check the details.

For those looking for comprehensive cover, this guide explains what to look for.

The Fight Isn’t Over

The Parliament protest delivered a powerful message—tradespeople can no longer be overlooked.

As a result, they are demanding immediate action.

Without a doubt, they are demanding action and refuse to back down.

However, the real challenge remains: Will the Government finally step up and take action?

As tool theft continues to rise, implementing stronger penalties has become more important than ever.

Therefore, stricter laws are long overdue.

Until then, van owners must stay vigilant.

Because at the end of the day, protecting tools means protecting livelihoods.

For more ways to protect your van and tools, check out:


Van Theft is Only Getting Worse.

Shocking news here at CVI HQ. 

We’re disappointed to report that new figures show that the number of stolen vans has increased by 45% since 2015. 


If that wasn’t bad enough, the last year has been particularly awful for white van man and woman, with nearly 10,000 vans reported stolen in 2018/19.

We’re sad for you. It shouldn’t be this hard to make a living, without some little git having it away with your motor. And as if living in London and dealing with that traffic and congestions charges wasn’t punishment enough, more thefts occurred there than anywhere else (4,777 – nearly half of all vans stolen in the past 12 months). That’s an increase of 15% on the figures from 2017/18.

Outside of the capital, Leicestershire was the second worse area in the country for van thefts, with an 8x increase from the previous year.

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, who commissioned the report, suggests that keyless vehicle entry could be partially to blame for the rise in van thefts. That’s definitely one new bit of kit you don’t want on your car. 

Better news however, if you live in the West Midlands, who saw a huge 73% decrease in van theft, which likely has nothing at all to do with Aston Villa being promoted to The Premiership this season, but you never know. Meanwhile, Surrey saw a scant 1% decrease which possibly might be rugby or cricket-related but that’s not our forte and we’re clutching at straws a bit, so we’ll leave that conclusion there.

Keyless Entry is Problematic

Keyless entry is proving to be more of a potential problem than a benefit it seems with thefts of both cars and vans on the rise, thanks to technology hacks that allow thieves an easy way in. And while the wisdom is to add extra security locks and bulkheads and to park your van in a way that doors can’t be accessed easily, it’s not really that simple, is it? You didn’t buy a van tonotbe able to easily access all the extra things you’ve got inside it, without moving it somewhere else and bringing out a prison warden size set of keys for all the extra bolts and padlocks you’ve been forced to add. 

Personally, we’d be insisting on a van without keyless technology, if we were in the market for a new one. But keyless or not, it just goes to show just how important a good van insurance policy is for you guys and girls. And if it’s renewal time, its more important than ever that you check the small print and T&Cs to ensure your personal belongings are also covered and that your van insurance premium adequately covers the costs of the goods that you’re transporting. And that we can help with. Just fill out our form and let the best providers save you a job by coming to you with the most competitive insurance quotes around.

LATEST: Van Thief “Houdini” Strikes Again

Van crime lurks in the cracks of dawn. During the silence and calm, a famous van thief steps from the shadows.

According to leading scientists, it is the “dawn hours” when van owners are in their deepest sleep. Its called “REM” AKA Rapid eye movement.

While you snooze, the van criminal fills up with loot, and he really sticks in the boot, and then you lose.

Its the crack of dawn.

Take just one neighbourhood in London, where just last week there was 4 separate incidents all in the space of just under an hour.

At 4:02am, one van gang member tiptoed his way towards a Ford Transit van and did the “peel and steal” manoeuvrer in 71 seconds flat. Police said it was the best they have seen yet.

Then just 2 streets away at 4:15 another van hoodlum slid his way under the security camera and performed the “shake and bake” on a blue Citroen van. He did it with such precision, the police are still scratching their heads.

By 4:47 this van gang with a plan were becoming more brave. Still cautious…but brave. They saw an LCV just sitting there in the calm of the dawn… just like a sitting duck.

So they went right in and pulled off…the “Ram and slam” in 2 minutes and 2 seconds. Those tools flew out of the back and into the night. Police are appealing for witnesses.

At 4:57 at the other end of the street a carpenter pulls out of a junction at the end of the road on his way to work…and then…BAM…he didn’t even see it coming.

It was a manoeuvre called the “Ham Sandwich” – done with quickness, it lasted only 45 seconds from bread to butter. Two motorbikes trapped the van from either side, forcing him to stop, and then…a quick looting followed by an even quicker getaway.

Police are warning van owners to watch out for a new van trick from van criminals on bikes called the BLT . More dangerous than the ham sandwich..only a few organised van gangs can pull it off. You are most at risk during the dawn hours, remember.

And while all of this was going off. The silence of dawn remained. And then…”flash flash” – and he was in…and OUT

He strikes again.

The van thief Houdini – remember him?

Nobody knows who he is, or where he will strike next. Not even the van gangs know. He is a lone ranger. He works…alone.

But he is good. Some say the best.

Just like CVI. He is not like the rest.

150 Van Drivers Attend Tool Theft Rally in South West

If there is one thing every van driver fears it’s tool theft. Blink and they miss it…but it happens all the time.

This isn’t petty theft we are talking about here either. Many van drivers are completely wiped out when those sneaky criminals pounce. Years of hard work and dedication gone in seconds.

All around this nation of ours, tool theft from vans has become a real problem, especially in the South West, which has recently been identified as a hotspot for van crime.

I’ve reported about this area of the country before of course. The English Rivera to be exact, and in that blog post Cheap Van Insurance enthusiasts were amazed at how a traditionally quiet and peaceful seaside town has been turned into…The Van Crime Capital.

Other places in the South West have also been affected, with Devon and Plymouth being the main targets for organised van criminals.

“It’s those magic keys,” van men and women are saying when asked how their vans got broken into.

They are right, of course. It is those magic keys. The kind of keys that can be purchased on the internet for around twenty English pounds. It really does make you wonder what the world is coming to when criminals have got it so easy.

“The life of Riley!” is what some experts are saying about van criminals, and for once, I agree with them.

Well, the hard working van owners of the South West have decided that is enough is enough. It is time to make their voices heard and the time is NOW.

So on a sunny but cool spring morning this year, there was exactly 150 van drivers who packed their ham sandwiches into the usual lunchbox and prepared their favourite coffee or tea into the trusty flask. No need for a blanket. The winter is over.

This wasn’t an ordinary work day though. This was a rally. Some would say a war cry from these tradespeople and delivery drivers who are simply fed up with getting taken advantage of.

It isn’t just the criminals they are angry with. The Police are also to blame and they should be doing more to prevent the crime and catch the hoodlums once the crime has been committed.

Frustrated by the lack of action by the boys and girls in Blue, 150 vans drove into the centre of Plymouth town centre on that spring morning.

All types of vans were present. The White Vans, the LCV’s, the Ford Transits…even a Day Van, according to one man.

It was a rally that made pedestrians stop for a brief minute and it gave van owners an outlet for their frustration.

Here at CVI we salute the South West van drivers. Keep on rallying we say and keep on making your voices heard.

If you can’t make it to the next rally then another way to fight back is to get cheap van insurance. Sure, those criminals might strike first, but you can have the last laugh with full protection at a fair price. Act now by filling in the 3 minute form.

The Van Thief “Houdini” Terrorising The Nation

There was a time when van thieves were primitive in their ways. Sure, the famous “Houdini” had his tricks, but the thieves had not caught up.

While Houdini was doing his famous escape tricks to wow amazed onlookers, your average van criminal was still operating with a crow bar.

“Smash the windows and get the loot,” they would shout to their fellow gang members, and then everyone would scramble to get a piece of the pie before the rozzers showed up.

These days most of those old timer van criminals have their feet up and are enjoying their retirement, but that has given way to a new type of criminal to enter the underworld of van crime.

The gangs are way more organised than your old timers, and operate with the kind of wit and cunning that Houdini would have been proud of.

Take the recent story of a plumber in Hartlepool, who parked his van in the same spot that he had been parking for years. Outside his home. The place where thousands of tradespeople park their vans, of course.

In days gone by this was a great place to park, because the van owners would quickly be alerted to something going on.

As soon as a crow bar smashed the window then your average plumber, back then, would have been alerted, even at 2am, and would then be able to grab his plunger and give chase.

However, the year is now 2018 and van criminals operate in a completely different way. Some people are calling it magic.

This particular plumber in Hartlepool had a camera watching his van you see, and when he went down the next morning and found £2000 worth of tools stolen, what he did was go straight to the video tape.

On that tape he saw something so amazing, and so bizarre, that he would no doubt have paid good money to see it performed on the stage.

Pay for it he did though, with £2000 worth of tools out of his van.

What he saw on that tape was a gang of thieves walk by his van in the early hours of the morning, before the birds started singing. Silence would have been the main focus of the neighbourhood, and a passing cat the only movement.

What he saw though, made his jaw drop in awe and his mind wonder…”Just what is going on here?”

That is because those van thieves managed to unlock his van without even touching it.

It is the kind of trick that would make ordinary people scratch their heads and wonder if they were dreaming. The plumber wasn’t dreaming though, and his tools just vanished right into the night.

While it’s easy to look at this as some kind of magic trick, the reality is that these gangs are now armed with remote devices, that can be used to flash the lights of the van and unlock it.

My advice to protect yourself against this? Make sure you get as much van insurance as you can, the kind of insurance that protects you in the event of tool theft.

Step 1

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Step 2

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Step 3

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