Hitachi Commercial Vehicles to Install RAC Telematics

In a move that has caught the attention of drivers, it was recently announced that Hitachi would be installing telematics on all their commercial vehicles.

This includes vans of course, so this is certainly something that van drivers and companies who employ van drivers might want to take a closer look at.

The telematics is to be provided by the RAC and if everything goes well then we might even see them use this technology in the consumer car market. Let’s wait to see what happens there.

For now though, thousands of commercial vehicles in the UK will be equipped with telematics technology, where driver and vehicle data will be recorded in order to give everyone more details about performance.

A good example could be a delivery company who have vans and wants to improve getting packages out on time. Having telematics installed in their vans means that they can look closer into things like how their employees are driving and whether or not the best route is being taken.

Not only that, but let’s not forget that telematics is an excellent device to have installed if you want to get cheaper van insurance.

Typically, having this kind of technology makes drivers better on the road, which means you can then show this data to van insurance companies who will reward you with cheaper policies.

So is telematics in vans and other commercial vehicles the future you might be wondering, or is it simply a fad that will go away? In my opinion it’s definitely here to stay, mainly because it offers so many insights into driver behaviour and ways to make your company better.

Sure, there are people out there who say that it’s too much of a “big brother” type scenario where employers are going to be monitoring every thing their employees do, but to that I say…if you haven’t got anything to hide then having telematics in your van shouldn’t bother you in the slightest.

That’s what I say anyway…I’m sure there are many people who disagree with me on this, but I really don’t think it is going to stop more commercial vehicle companies going down the telematics route, especially when the end result is it saves money for everyone involved.

You know, I think there are thousands of van drivers out there who would install telematics in their van tomorrow if they knew it could save them a few hundred pounds a year on insurance.

We’ve already heard about how van insurance is more expensive than car insurance…surely this type of technology should be applauded if it can save commercial drivers money? I for one think it should.

Oldham Bricklayer Quoted £40,000 to Insure a Van

A young bricklayer by the name of Gary Shipp has been quoted £40,000 for van insurance by a leading online comparison site.

Mr Shipp, who is 18 and comes from Oldham, had been looking into starting up his own bricklaying and building venture, but was stopped in his tracks when he saw just how much money van insurance was going to cost him.

I thought we are supposed to be encouraging young people to start their own businesses and take the path of entrepreneurship? Obviously not.

Sure, you can expect a younger driver who has only recently passed their test to be quoted a bit more than someone with a proven track record of driving safety, but is £40,000 a bit too much? I think it is. It pretty much makes it impossible for this guy to make any profit for the first few years of business, which in turn would mean the business will fail.

However, it’s good to hear that Mr Shipp is not letting this stumbling block stop him from doing something. Although it’s not ideal, he has been using his Vauxhall Astra car to transport his equipment to and from different jobs, as he starts the task of getting new clients and making a name for himself in the local area.

Good on him I say. Many people would use that ridiculously high van insurance quote as a reason to give up on their dream and stay in their job, but this guy is not letting anything stop him, even if he has to pile a load of bricks into his Astra and drive around town.

While it is shocking to see such a high quote for van insurance, it really is the norm unfortunately for people under the age of 25. Yes, it is possible to see the point of view of the insurance companies, as they want to reduce their risk as much as possible, and maybe they just don’t feel confident insuring someone that is 18.

Ultimately though, everybody has to start somewhere, and if an 18 year old wants to get started in their own business they should be helped to do that now, and not when they are over 25 and considered to be more responsible.

Looking at both sides of the story here, in my opinion, I think some kind of trial period with the use of telematics could be a good idea, where younger drivers are given a few months to prove themselves as safe and responsible commercial drivers, and then once the trial period is over and the insurance company is happy with the data, the driver is offered a more reasonable quote.

Welcome your corporate overlord, get cheaper insurance


Well it’s official: the only real way to get cheaper insurance for your car or van is to sign on to one of those telematics-based policies that spies on you.

All right, yes I know you’re not actually being peeped on whilst you’re in the loo or something like that, but let’s be honest, shall we? These so-called “black box” car insurance and van insurance policies might offer you discount rates if you can prove you’re not a pillock behind the wheel, but you’re also letting a big corporation essentially monitor and record everywhere you go, not to mention when – and how – you get there.

Yes, I know that telematics is a particular boon for young drivers. Yes I know that these younger Brits can sometimes save as much as 20 per cent on their insurance costs – a kingly sum considering how much insurers charge anyone under the age of 23 to begin with. And yes, again, I know that encouraging younger drivers to be responsible behind the wheel is bloody brilliant, especially if these drivers know they’re being rewarded for their good behaviour. I just don’t bloody like the idea of a big, faceless corporation getting to keep track of exactly where my teenage daughter goes in her 12 year old Vauxhall Corsa that still cost more to insure than it cost to purchase.

So what’s the big deal if you’re leaving a paper trail as you motor about? If you’re not up to anything untoward you’ve got nothing to hide, don’t you? Besides – you’re in public, and you don’t have an expectation of privacy when you’re out in the open. That’s why CCTV cameras dotting cities like London aren’t even a bother to so many people nowadays.

Well bollocks to that I say. It doesn’t matter if I’m up to no good or I’m just having a lovely Sunday afternoon drive on some B roads – it’s nobody’s bloody business but my own where I go and what I do. If I want to share that with other people I’ll Tweet about it. I don’t care how much discount car insurance you’re offering me – just leave me the hell alone and let me listen to my Sade CDs in peace.

Insurers try anything and everything to save a few quid


Car insurance and van insurance providers are so obsessed with cutting costs that they’re willing to try anything – including the aid of their own customers.

You know that insurance companies have been turning over every last rock in an attempt to reduce their operating costs when they actually come up with a plan that will help both them and consumers. Well, that’s what’s happened this week, when one insurance provider has decided to move forward with a new programme that will offer a 10 per cent discount on a policyholder’s premium if they’re willing to fit a dashboard camera to their vehicle.

The idea is to provide better evidence in the event of car crashes, which cost insurers an arm and a leg. The 10 per cent rate drop isn’t too shabby either, and will be especially helpful to commercial van insurance policyholders that have a number of vehicles they have to keep on the road. On top of that, a dash cam is good for employers to keep tabs on their employees and how they comport themselves behind the wheel; whilst a telematics device can tell you quite a bit about a driver, having a video feed is even better.

So who cares about how this could be a terrible idea when it comes to the invasion of privacy, right? Sure you might say that the programme is voluntary, but that won’t stop the camera from capturing the action from people and vehicles outside the car or van that pass by. Not everyone actually enjoys having camera footage taken of them, despite the massive number of CCTV cameras spread across the UK like George Orwell’s worst nightmare.

Why are insurers so up in arms right now? Well that’s easy – new data from another major insurance provider found that fraud went up by nearly 20 per cent last year when it came to car accident claims, which means projections are it will be higher this year still. High fraud activity equals vast sums of cash being spent on spurious claims, so insurers are trying to head it off at the pass this year instead of just raising our rates like they usually do instead. Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll still raise our rates this year too.

No reward for loyalty – what about good driving?

Van insurance news roundup: 7 days ending 14 Feb 2014:

Brits know better than anyone that van and car insurance companies don’t reward loyalty – but there are some out there that recognise good motoring habits.

Car and van insurance companies are notorious for holding on to their cheapest rates for new customers, routinely throwing their older customers under the bus by hiking their premium prices year on year. As a result, Brits have learnt to jump ship every year in order to get the best quotes they can – and a new research study reinforces this fact, as 57 per cent of British drivers are giving serious thought to switching from one insurer to another this coming year. Even more telling is that the worldwide average is only 40 per cent, acknowledging that the UK has some very disloyal motorists – by the hand of the insurance industry itself!

So insurers don’t reward you for you for loyalty – that’s just a well-established fact at this point. However, there are some insurers that will actually reward you for good driving. Anyone that makes a living on the road and is in need of commercial van insurance is likely to be quite keen to check this out: it’s called telematics insurance, and it’s been growing in popularity because you can get around the normal insurance bollocks and get some deep discounts if you can prove you’re worthy of them.

The technology is simple, as it’s based on the tried-and-true satnav: a telematics device (or a smartphone with an appropriate app running) keeps track of your acceleration, turning, braking, and other motoring habits, then transmits the data to your insurer. It looks at your performance periodically and if the information reveals you’re a careful driver, your insurer drops your premiums to compensate. Of course, if you’re a crap driver you’ll see your rates go up, but you’ve earned that as well haven’t you?

But think about this: if you spend hours behind the wheel of y our van, you’re likely to be a very careful driver. Your vehicle is your livelihood after all, so it’s in your best interests to actually keep your wits about you, and you should be rewarded for that diligence! It’s also ideal for younger drivers as well, as you can throw off the yoke of statistical analysis and prove not all younger drivers are complete rubbish. Some younger Brits have saved upwards of £430 on their annual cover, and that’s no laughing matter is it?

Leading insurance comparison site announces new panel member

One of the nation’s largest insurance comparison sites recently announced that a new insurer – a telematics specialist – has joined its panel.

One of the most in-demand types of vehicle insurance due to its ability to save drivers of both personal and commercial vehicles on their premium payments, telematics-based insurance records the behaviour of a driver whilst behind the wheel, awarding them with lowered premiums in exchange for responsible driving. Van insurance policyholders have been very interested in the technology, as it can also be used to provide evidence in cases concerning duty of care, as information such as how fast a commercial vehicle was traveling can be used to settle legal disputes.

The comparison site’s newest insurer, a firm that has specialised in telematics insurance primarily for personal motors, offers a range of options to its customers. A driver taking out insurance with the firm gains 6,000 miles for the year, with more miles available for purchase later, while safe drivers are rewarded with an additional 100 miles as a bonus each month and offers lowered premium prices for any safe driver that renews their policy after the end of the year.

The new firm joins three other telematics-based providers on the comparison site’s panel, a change that was made to provide peace of mind for customers, says the website’s spokesperson, Gareth Kloet. The comparison site was pleased to be able to offer a larger range of choice for those customers looking for telematics-based policies, Mr Kloet added.

Meet your duty of care through telematics

While using the technology can bring excellent benefits such as reduced commercial van insurance premiums, there are other ways that switching your insurance policy to a telematics-based one – including meeting your duty of care responsibilities.

50 per cent of larger businesses operating in the UK that make use of large fleets of vans and other commercial vehicles are using the satnav-based technology in order to minimise their fleet risk while also meeting the duty of care requirements for their firm, according to a new YouGov survey. The research study questioned 100 chief financial officers, controllers, and financial directors for British firms that employed more than 1000 workers, discovering that fully half used telematics in their fleet vehicles in order to confer upon themselves extra levels of legal protection.

Firm directors are responsible to make sure all vehicles used by their employees whilst on the job are both insured properly and are roadworthy – and with health and safety legislation becoming more strict over the past few years, avoiding incidents that could lead to costly fines has become very important to many businesses, especially larger ones. Whether your vehicles are owned by the company or are owned by employees and used to conduct business, it’s simply legally and financially irresponsible to not have an auditable and comprehensive motoring policy set in place, motoring experts say.

One such driving expert, Keith Allen, commented on the results of the YouGov survey, remarking that it was ‘quite encouraging’ to see how many large-scale firms have taken steps to make their commercial fleets safer by adopting telematics-based insurance policies.

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