Roadside Revelations: The Cornwall Incident And The Van Insurance Mix-Up

Van Insurance…

Okay, we realise how silly the title of this week’s blog post sounds.

But dear readers, we simply could not resist reporting on this story from Cornwall that took place a few days ago.


Some scenes may have been dramatised for effect.

I’m feeling good: Scene 1

Imagine the setting:

You’re driving along a picturesque Cornwall road.

Meanwhile, the landscape unfolds beautifully around you.

The weather is lovely, and you’re looking forward to having an ice cream later. 

But wait!

A copper is signaling for you to pull over.

What could possibly have gone wrong, eh?

However, it appears there is indeed a valid reason for this unexpected stop.

As you signal to pull up by the kerb, you think of the best excuse you can muster because you know exactly what the police are about to ask for. 

You ensure your poker face gives nothing away.

Actions speak louder than words: Scene 2

“So fella, we can’t seem to find any insurance on your van.

Can you explain that?”

Words fail you, despite having tried desperately to come up with a palpable excuse.

Several reasons flit through your mind, but none of them suffice.

Consequently, there is only one option left.

You’re going to have to resort to using a technicality.

“Well sir, I have received a van insurance quote.

Surely that’s valid?”

You flutter your eyelashes, hoping with all your might that you look as cute as your neighbour Marge’s new puppy. 

Unfortunately, and predictably, it doesn’t work.

Even though you’re a company director. 

This is outrageous.

The audacity!

How dare anyone question the status of your van insurance?

Technicalities don’t prosper: End scene

You can imagine this tale doesn’t end well, and you would be right.

The van was seized.

Contrary to popular belief (or not), simply having a quote for insurance, doesn’t actually mean you’re insured. 

We know, we were amazed to find this out, too.

(Just kidding – we’d be awful at our jobs if that was the case).

What this poor fella needed was 3 minutes of his time to fill out our form.

He would have then received several cheap van insurance quotes from reputable providers.

His next step would have been to, of course, actually proceed with taking out and arranging payment for a policy. 

Don’t be like this guy, and save on your van insurance costs with us.

Otherwise, you may find your own sorry tale playing out.

The Story Of A 78 Year Old White Van Man

We couldn’t believe what they found in the back of his white van, and once you read the following story you won’t believe it either.

It started on a temperate night in the county of Lincolnshire The clock had just struck 11:57pm and most people were in bed, tucked up.

A 78 year old white van man by the name of John was still on the road. With his hands at 10 and 2 and sticking to the speed limit, he didn’t think the cops would pull him off the road when he saw them in his rear view mirror.

But they did pull him off…

Why? Because BEEP BEEP he had been scanned with the APNR scanners, and he came back as a hit. The cops wanted to speak with him.

It turns out he had no van insurance and no licence, but…that wasn’t even close to being the biggest shock of the night.

After Police had taken down his particulars and arranged to have his van taken away, they decided to take a sneek peek in the back of the van. It was just a hunch. The Police man had the vibe something wasn’t quite right.

So he got John to open the back of his van, and what the Police officer saw he couldn’t believe..

He was shocked…

Right there in front of his eyes…

Was 8 big cannabis plants staring back at him!!

This old timer might have been a slouch when it came to getting a drivers licence or van insurance. But he was no slouch when it came to getting high on his own supply.

At first, The Police officer thought he had just caught Lincolnshire’s own version of “El Chapo,” but when questioned, John, the 78 year old white van man, simply said…

“I didn’t realise it was illegal.”

It turns out he didn’t think cannabis was illegal when in plant form. As long as you don’t smoke it and puff on the magic dragon, then I won’t get into trouble, thought John.

He was wrong. Very wrong. And in the era of this “war on drugs” he found himself in court and facing a stern looking judge who gave him a 12 month suspended sentence.

Let’s put it this way: If John decides to take to the roads again, in his white van…with half of Bolivia in the back…then he is going directly to prison.

As regular readers are very much aware, here at CVI we are a drug free zone and we have a zero tolerance on white van drivers who transport cannabis plants.

In fact, we will say it to your face: “If you have any kind of plants in the back of your van, we don’t want your business.”

The ironic thing is…if John had visited CVI and got his van insurance sorted, then the cops probably wouldn’t have pulled him off in the first place.

But John isn’t welcome at CVI, and in light of this “War On Drugs” era, we may even add a new question to our 3 minute form…

“Are you planning to transport your own supply or get high on your own supply?”

If you answer “NO” then you are welcome at CVI.

They Stopped Him For Sliding Ladders, And Then…

It was a rainy and dreary morning in the city of Hull. In the distance you could just make out the familiar outline of the Humber Bridge.

The road was slick from the rain and Humberside Police were scanning the area like hawks, looking for their prey.

And then…they found their prey, and it was a, yes you have guessed it…

White Van Man!

Was this white van man going on tour or about to fly into a rage or shouting “chase me chase me,” from the window?

In a word…NO.

Actually, this was a builder on his way to a job. No doubt to build a wall or do some kind of brick work. There was probably even some cement and sand in the back, and maybe even a couple of bottles of tap water to mix it together.

Nothing out of the ordinary you would think, until you looked up and saw the sliding ladders.

Slipping and sliding all over the place they were. Sliding here and sliding there…they really were sliding everywhere.

However, they didn’t fall off the van. It was like a delicate balance. Just enough one way and then turn the steering wheel the other way. Like balancing a tennis ball on your head.

But the Humberside Police were having none of this.

“Should we pull him off the road,” said the first Police Officer.

“Yeah…pull him off,” said the second Police Officer.

Then, when everybody had pulled to the side of the road, the First Police Officer approached the van with caution while the Second Officer covered his back.

“You ever hear of a roof rack, sir?”

After a brief exchange it turned out the white van man was harmless and wasn’t about to go on a rampage worthy of VDGW.

However, while he was being a given a stern talking to at the side of the road and was having his particulars taken down…the second police officer scanned his van with the ANPR scanner.

“Bleep Bleep”

And guess what? Yes you guessed it…

No Van Insurance!

“Looks like somebody hasn’t visited Cheap Van Insurance?” Said the second police officer.

“You naughty boy,” said the first police officer.

It is a bit naughty, isn’t it? Not spending 3 minutes of your time to compare van insurance quotes from around 40 companies and brokers.

3 Minutes and you are sorted, and then you WON’T have 2 police officers bending you over your van bonnet and handcuffing you.

Oh yeah. And make sure all of you white van men (and women) secure your ladders with a roof rack and some rope or something. It is so simple, and so easy…just like our 3 minute form.

BANNED (And Dangerous?) – VDGW

It sounds like a new episode of VDGW (Van Drivers Gone Wild) doesn’t it? Unfortunately the VDGW cameras didn’t catch this on tape.

This story happened in Yorkshire, a place made famous by the classic TV programme “Traffic Cops.”

Our very own VDGW will soon reach the lofty heights of “Traffic Cops,” you can bet on that, and it will soon even challenge “Can’t Pay, Take It Away,” as The Nations Favourite.

Back to the story and a Yorkshire van driver who was BANNED from driving decided it was ok for him to get behind the wheel.

He didn’t care that his license had been ripped up and didn’t care that he didn’t have any van insurance.

It was his cousin’s van to be exact, although his cousin had broke his toe which meant he couldn’t drive.

“Get behind the wheel for me, cuz?” might have been the words spoken between the pair.

So the cousin did what a good cuz would do and got behind the wheel of the white van.

No license and no insurance…was this man dangerous? Did he go on a rampage worthy of VDGW?

In a word…No.

In fact, reports suggest he was a very careful driver who moved through the gears smoothly, stuck to the speed limit, and drove with hands at 10 and 2.

Some onlookers even suggested he waved at old women while driving and slammed his breaks on to allow a kitten to cross the road.

The perfect driver? Maybe, and model citizen? Perhaps…And he would have got away with as well if it hadn’t have been for…

A defective light!

Those “Traffic Cops” were soon right up his rear van door and flashing their blue lights.

“I’m going to pull this guy off the road,” said one Traffic Cop in a thick Yorkshire accent.

“Yeah, pull him off,” said his partner.

Long story short. This disqualified van driver found himself in court on charges of driving while disqualified and driving with no insurance.

“I’m Guilty,” he said in front of a shocked jury.

“I’m sending you to prison then,” replied the judge as the trusty hammer was slammed down.

“I’ve already got my bag packed,” replied the van driver.

Let this be a reminder to every van driver out there…

If you don’t have van insurance then you could go to prison.

The Police are becoming tougher on van drivers without insurance. It doesn’t matter if you are a safe driver or a nice guy…if you don’t have insurance then you could end up in the slammer.

So make sure you get insured today by filling in our 3 minute form. You have the power to compare over 40 companies and brokers, and will be amazed at the very cheap van insurance prices.

Chesterfield Man Had No Van Insurance or License

What are the two things you should always have when entering a van and turning on the engine? Van insurance and a license.

Especially van insurance. That is the most important thing if you ask me, because you should always have protection.

Its also illegal to drive without van insurance and without a license…so when a man in a van in the town of Chesterfield decided to hit the roads with neither insurance or a license he was committing a double whammy.

This man was now prime prey for the law.

If you break the law once you might just get away with it if the cops don’t notice you.

However, if you break the law twice…in one van, and in one journey. Well, they are going to be hunting you down. You can bet on that.

So you can bet your bottom dollar the Police patrols were wide eyed and on high alert when they caught a whiff of this guy cruising down the A6.

Once the “beep beep” scanners went off they would have proclaimed “GOTCHA!” and then it would have been sirens blazing and blue lights flashing. And the man in the van would have like “Oh No!”

“Would you mind stepping out of the van please sir,” the Police officer in the neatly pressed suit would have said.

“Alright, fair cop mate,” the man in the van would have replied.

Pretty soon the whole game would have been up and while sitting in the back of that Police car the van man would have admitted he had no insurance and no license.

“Why didn’t you just head to Its so simple, anyone can do it.” said one police officer.

“And its cheap too,” added the other police officer.

“yes its cheap,” repeated the first.

“I don’t know what to say. I messed up. Please don’t throw the book at me. Give me one more chance,” pleaded the van man.

“Only a judge can judge you now, son,” came the reply from the Police officer.

And so it came to be, that on a brisk and sunny morning at Chesterfield Court, the man in the van stood in the dock and waited for a verdict from the judge.

The jury gasped when they heard he had no license, and they gasped when they heard he had fake number plates.

But the biggest gasp came when it was revealed he didn’t have any van insurance.

“Why didn’t he just go to Cheap Van Insurance?” said one jury member.

“I know…it only takes 3 minutes and he could have very cheap van insurance,” said another.

The Judge slammed down the hammer. “A £225 fine and 6 points on your license.”

“It would have been cheaper just to visit Cheap Van Insurance,” noted one spectator.

“Orange” – The New Code for No Van Insurance

Sitting around and trying to make up your razzudocks what to do with the evening? You could go for a drive in your van and…

…play “hogs of the road” – with no van insurance…

“Code orange,” the police will say on their walkie talkies after scanning your van, and just like clockwork they pounce into action with flashing blue lights and all of that…

Just like what happened to one guy in Warrington. He went out into the countryside in his van with some off road bikes in the back. He then got the bikes out the back, and then…

BUSTED! “No van insurance and no tax,” according to official police reports, but it just goes to show you that police officers are everywhere and it only takes a quick “orange” into their radio mikes and the game is up.

The owner of that particular van in Warrington should have visited CVI to get some very cheap quotes.

Some people have said our site is the “Ludwig Van…of comparison sites.” Or as Ludwig Van himself was once called…”the CVI of classical music”…apparently

You could fill in our 3 minute form with Beethoven’s 9th Op 125 playing in the background, and then…once you get around 40 quotes…”Oh Bliss! I knew such lovely pictures!”

Unfortunately not everybody is taking our advice, just like the van driver who was caught in a place called Loudwater…

“Oh no,” said the van driver.

“well, well well well, well well well…” replied the police officer.

Yes, you’ve guessed it…it was that code “orange” again, and just like clockwork yet again, the police officers had zoned in on their target and brought justice to UK roads.

This particular van driver was driving a Mercedes van without any insurance and the eventual punishment was a £185 fine and being disqualified from driving for 28 days.

Just remember, if you take a chance of driving without van insurance then you might not just get off with a fine or disqualification. What could the punishment be instead? Well…

“655321” is now your prison number, something you will have to remember.

If you are going to take anything away from this blog post then it should be this…

“Thinking is for the gloopy ones. The omni one’s use like…inspiration.”

So use that inspiration right now…by filling out our 3 minute form and saving yourself a packet.

Thousands of van drivers around the country have already done the same. Isn’t it time you joined them? Of course it is. So don’t delay. Save money today by joining CVI, The Nations Favourite. .

No License, Van Insurance or Permission = Friends No More

When your van goes missing you don’t expect the culprit to be…a work colleague. Forget those criminal gangs. Everybody is a suspect.

The potential thief who is going to take your pride and joy could very well be a neighbour, family member, or even someone you are sharing a B&B room with.

That is exactly what happened in Manchester, where two men were doing some work in the area. To save money, only 1 B&B room was booked, although while one of the owner of the van was sleeping the other man…

…Took the keys for the van and decided to go off on an adventure. What kind of adventure? The kind where you have no driving license and no insurance for the van, but, most importantly you have no PERMISSION.

Let’s face it, if a friend just took your keys and drove off into the night with your van without any kind of permission then wouldn’t you be a bit miffed? Of course you would.

To make matters even worse, the man who went off in the van had apparently drunk 6 pints down the local boozer.

So just to sum up…he had no license, no insurance, no permission, and was drunk. Something tells me this story is not going to end well.

And it didn’t. Our boys and girls in Blue did their job for once and pulled over the friendly joyrider.

“It’s my mates van,” he could have said.

“Do you have permission from your mate?” the Police officer might have asked.

“No,” would have been the honest reply.

As we all know, any time the Police pull you over and find that you have no licence or insurance then you can expect to find yourself in trouble. A night down the local nick could be in store and a star appearance at the court is definitely going to happen.

So the man with no permission had his day in court and immediately pleaded guilty from the dock.

This was all the judge needed to hear, and with the trusty hammer firmly in her grasp she slammed it down with such force that everybody in the courtroom jumped a bit.

Jail time was not on the cards in this particular case, but a 12 month community order and 120 hours of unpaid work was.

Not only that, but he was also ordered to pay £85 costs and a £85 victim surcharge.

I think the moral of the story is…if you are thinking about going for a drive in a van that is not yours, then make sure you get permission.

Also, make sure you have a licence, and check to see if you are insured to drive the van.

Temporary van insurance can be compared right here of course, at CVI, The Nations Favourite.

Once you have permission then go directly to the top of the page and click on “get a quote.”

Summer of No Van Insurance, Drivers Warned

You’ve heard about the summer of rage in regards to van drivers, well, now get ready to hear about the summer of no van insurance.

That’s right. Despite being able to visit a van insurance comparison website to get cheap quotes, it seems there are still van drivers out there who don’t want to do this, and instead, would prefer to drive on the roads without any kind of insurance.

Take a van driver who had been working on his LDV Maxus van and then thought it would be a good idea to go for a test drive at 6am. Nothing wrong there you might be thinking, until it turns out he was driving without any tax or insurance.

He no doubt thought that Police wouldn’t be on the roads at such an early hour, but he was wrong. They patrol the roads 24 hours a day, and with the hi tech scanning equipment they now have installed in every Police car, it really is simple for them to track down the van insurance dodgers.

The punishment for this particular van driver? £400 for no insurance, £100 for no tax, and £50 costs. I’m surprised he didn’t get points on his license as well, although if it’s his first offence then the judge might have been lenient

My advice to anyone thinking about taking to the roads without van insurance, even if it’s only a short test drive at 6am? Visit a van insurance comparison website and get it sorted. You can get a quote 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and after filling in a short form you get access to quotes from over 40 companies.

That is what one van driver in Bradford should have done, as Police recently stopped him and took away his blue Ford Transit van for not having any insurance.

The driver will now have to appear in court where a judge will decide his punishment. When you consider he is also a disqualified driver and he was talking on a mobile phone when Police stopped him…something tells me the judge is not going to be lenient on this one. Let’s wait to see what happens.

It really does make you wonder just what is going on here? So far this summer we have had incidents of rage and no van insurance…and some of the reports I’ve been reading suggest the van driving world is getting even wilder.

Take the supermarket delivery driver who was filmed doing a U-turn on the A30. Maybe the driver had just read the recent blog post on this site about how driverless delivery vans are going to be taking van driver jobs, and was in a hurry to get down the local job centre.

In that blog post I mentioned that drivers won’t be losing their jobs for a few years yet, but this particular driver might just find himself out of work if he keeps up with his unique style of driving.

The van driving got even more wild, and terrifying, in a place called Cinderford, where a van driver reversed onto the pavement and directly into a lamppost, making an innocent pedestrian jump out of the way.

I hope this particular van driver had van insurance, because something tells me he is going to need it after the entire incident was caught on CCTV.

The message this Summer is clear if you ask me. Make sure you have van insurance, keep your driving sensible…and don’t get into a rage. Instead, chill out and visit a comparison website.

Step 1

Complete your quick and easy quote

Step 2

Reveal your van insurance policies

Step 3

Pick your favourite and get instant cover