Delivery drivers….
So, we have two things to report on this week.
The first is actually from across the pond, involving an angry Amazon manager and his poor employee.
The second is related to the ongoing fear of driver shortages Britain is facing at the moment.
Stay Off My Lawn!
Something perhaps more fitting for an elderly gentleman to yell at some troublesome teens.
But no.
This unfortunate Amazon delivery driver received a whole lotta abuse from his own manager.
You may have seen the video doing the rounds online.
It’s been published in most tabloid newspapers, so it isn’t too hard to find, but you may not want to watch it.
If delivery drivers didn’t have enough to put up with already, this really takes the biscuit.
The manager claims his employee broke several rules whilst delivering the package to his loving boss.
So, naturally, he felt the best way to let his worker know about it, was to yell at him.
The main issue the video captures is the berated delivery driver walking across his manager’s grass to deliver the package.
Clearly, a rookie mistake and one that warrants verbal abuse.
Said no one, ever.
Have you ever experienced unreasonable behaviour from your manager as a delivery driver?
Let us know — we’d love to call them out on it.
Of course, we’d hope no one in Britain would be quite as ‘stern’ when talking to their delivery drivers.
It appears America is a whole other kettle of fish.
Considering A Career Change?
Next up.
If you feel you aren’t being treated well enough as a delivery driver, then why not consider becoming a lorry driver?
With all the driver shortages, Brexit, Covid-19, and just general chaos and hoo-ha that’s hit Britain lately.
Selco is helping with the panic.
They’ve decided to launch an academy for lorry drivers, encouraging van drivers to become HGV drivers instead.
They’ve also recently increased their pay.
Not too shabby, eh?
So, what do you reckon?
Career change to rid yourself of the annoying boss?
We’d hope not, especially in the UK.
So until then, and as usual, we’ve got your back with the cheapest van insurance quotes around.
You’re welcome.