Drink and Drive Being Encouraged?!

Fancy a drink?

We thought that might spark your attention.

What is this, you may well ask.

You are aware, of course, that it is a criminal offence under Section 5(a) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 to drink and drive.

And if caught, may result in an unlimited fine or even a prison sentence.

So why is it being encouraged?

Because we are talking about drinking WATER dear readers!


That’s cleared that one up then.

Did you know that if you fail to top up your own water tank before embarking on a long distance journey, you could end up with a hefty fine (up to £1000)?


Well, it’s pretty much down to the fact that when you become dehydrated.

Your body experiences symptoms that are similar to the effects of alcohol in the bloodstream (dizziness and loss of focus).

This could then lead to you not having full control over your van.

Dehydration also causes headaches and this may hinder your concentration levels, very much the same way alcohol does.

All that just because you didn’t drink enough!

Silly really, isn’t it.

You know that before a long journey, you check your van’s oil and water – why wouldn’t you check your own?

Ok, not necessarily oil although up to you if you use oil, but definitely water.

Being hydrated and staying hydrated throughout the journey will ensure your concentration levels are at their best.

Ensuring not just your safety but other road users too.

3 out of 5 people were not aware of these risks and how they compare to the other type of drink driving.

It really is worthwhile making sure you drink before, during and after a long drive.

You’ll probably have to factor in a few stops along the way, but you should be doing that anyway, right?

Then you can safely top up your water levels and get right back to your journey, in the knowledge that you won’t become dehydrated anytime soon.

Oh and just in case you’re thinking “but I always take my flask of tea/coffee, so that counts” read more here on that topic.

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