Has The Driver Shortages Affected You?

If you haven’t heard about the driver shortages, you’re likely not from the UK.

Otherwise, you must be living under a rock.

Remember this post we made a few weeks ago about tests for van and lorry drivers being made easier?

This was because the UK was facing the severe issue of a lack of delivery drivers — from vans to HGV drivers.

The reasons are numerous.

The driver shortages stem from Brexit, with Covid-19 making things much worse.

It’s like a tornado stirring the pot.

If there wasn’t a shortage already, ‘pingdemic’, as it has been affectionately named, has unfortunately caused further chaos.

This is because drivers are being pinged left, right and centre, and being told to self-isolate by the ‘track and trace’ app. 

As you can imagine, the consequences have been dire.

Many newsagents, including the chain NISA, have had to drive their vans to pick up supplies.

This is due to severe staff shortages among their suppliers.

This is time and effort spent on top of maintaining and managing their store branches and dealing with staff off work themselves, too. 

There are calls for the government to allow drivers who have been vaccinated (with both jabs) to skip the isolation period.

This is as long as they continue to test, and the results are negative.

At the moment, this is due to come into force from the 16th of August, but things could change — sooner or be pushed to later.

So, everything is up in the air, and everyone is panicking.


We think so.

What do you think?

Has the media blown this out of proportion, or is this something that needs further immediate attention?

Have you been affected directly by the driver shortages?

The struggling supermarkets certainly show us how serious this all this.

Let us know your thoughts! 

For any new drivers needing cheap van insurance, we’re always here for you.

All you have to do is complete this form, and be welcomed into a world of cheap van insurance providers, that you won’t find elsewhere.

The best thing is — the form takes less than 3 minutes to complete.

Tradespeople On The Road: Locked Down, But Not Out

Essential Work For Tradespeople Or A Risk?

Demand for tradespeople has surged since the first lockdown ended.

British van drivers – many of you are still out on the road, despite lockdown.


But now, a debate has sparked: should the government allow this during a national lockdown?

SAGE Calls For Limits On Tradespeople Work

SAGE, the government advisory group, has a strong opinion.

They’ve urged officials to restrict to only “critical” work.

Or work that can’t be delayed due to health and safety.

Currently, most trades are still running – with a few changes.

Workers wear masks indoors and maintain social distance.

But, they face no limits on the type of jobs they take on.

The Unfairness Factor: Who’s Really Left Out?

And here’s a twist:

The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed, an industry group, is speaking up.

Their message?

Stopping tradespeople would be unfair.

Did you know?

Approximately 1.5 million tradespeople, however, were excluded from financial support.

Some, for instance, were short-term contractors.

Others, meanwhile, worked on zero or low-hours contracts with limited companies.

In their situation, every job truly matters, and every pound absolutely counts.

Why Restrictions Could Be Devastating For Tradespeople

Imagine the government tells you that you can’t work, yet you still don’t qualify for support.

That’s the reality for many. And restrictions on trades could be disastrous.

Unlike office jobs, they can’t “work from home.” Their work is hands-on.

And let’s be honest:

The rules, however, feel confusing and inconsistent.

For instance, nurseries and churches allow large gatherings.

Yet, at the same time, tradespeople – who perform critical services – face restrictions.

Where’s the consistency?

Hope Ahead: Vaccines And Lower COVID Cases

Many trades include essential work, like heating, plumbing, or other vital services.

They’re often called to fix things that simply can’t wait.

And here’s to hoping:

With the rapid vaccination rollout, we might see an end in sight.

COVID cases are dropping. We’re moving forward.

For the tradespeople of the UK, let’s hope work can continue.

Maybe not “as usual,” but enough to keep their families fed and secure.

An End to Border Chaos?

Good news this week for international drivers, especially those caught in the channel crossing chaos over Christmas.

The UK announced plans to open 20 new COVID testing centres.

These centres are designed specifically for van and truck drivers, providing rapid testing to streamline their journeys.

Consequently, drivers can move forward with ease before reaching the border into France.

This week, officials opened the first centre in Peterborough at the Peterborough services on the A1M.

The army joined the effort to support these centres, aiming to prevent the delays and tailbacks from just a few weeks ago.

The government is taking furthers steps too.

Giving hauliers the chance to set up their own test centre at their premises, with free of charge test kits. 

This is part of a plan to give lorry and van drivers a Kent Access Permit.

This is to help ease the delays that were causing chaos throughout Kent, as divers queued in huge tailbacks as they awaited tests.

Additionally, light goods and van drivers have access to these government centres for testing before they reach Dover.

Enabling them to move quickly through customs and border control and onto the continent. 

The centres provide results within the hour and offer free advice on new border processes.

This is to help ensure van drivers have the correct paperwork, as we navigate this new Brexit era. 

Delivering the gift of Christmas

So, for those of you who are delivery drivers, this year should, in theory, have been ‘it’ – the run up to Christmas, the busting your chops to squeeze in endless deliveries of Christmas goods for the people who shop online.

But this year has been different in so many ways and the Christmas rush may not be over, come December 24th. While last year saw a run of online ordering putting unprecedented demand on van drivers over the festive period, nothing could have prepared us for what happened in March, when COVID struck. 

The poor delivery drivers of the UK didn’t know what had hit them. It was like Christmas all over again, with the country locked down and ordering online becming something of a national pastime. Delivery drivers didn’t know what had hit them, as they worked around the clock, busting a gut to get things to people – from food to fancy fripperies, and everything inbetween. 

And this Christmas, the heat is on again. Brexit related stockpiling is seeing delays at UK ports and a huge backlog of things to get to people, from building supplies to Christmas presents. With most of the country in tier 3, that is all in addition to those who are reliant on online ordering to deliver everything from clothes to groceries. And now, as of yesterday, ports into the UK are closed. Who knows what that will mean. More deliveries, fewer deliveries… many businesses will be scratching their heads and trying to figure out if they actually have anything to send at all.

Many experts are predicting that this seasonal rush will carry on right into January and even beyond, depending on what happens with Brexit and how quickly the COVID vaccine can be rolled out. But of course, with this new raft of port closures, the truth is nobody knows what is coming next.

So, while it doesn’t really help ease those tired limbs or the sheer exhaustion, we just want you to know that this Christmas, we here at Cheap Van Insurance doff our caps to you all – from the delivery drivers, to the man and vans, to the builders and brickies and everything in between. Here’s hoping next year gets back to something approaching normal and life can return to the heady days when people went out and actually got things for themselves. 

Cross Channel Chaos

This week we want to spare a thought for those van drivers who spend their life hopping the channel into Europe and back to collect and deliver goods across the UK. As many of you will know, the port of Dover is currently in chaos, as a result of the massive queue of lorries trying to cross the channel in both directions. Most of the A20 is resembling a lorry park as a result of the pre-Christmas rush, businesses stockpiling and the side effects of COVID restrictions and the anticipation of the imminent arrival of a vaccine.

Any vehicle, not just lorries, are subject to 40mph restrictions around the area, and all laybys in the area are closed. While typically lorries relied on ferries to get them from A to B, the amount of congestions has seen many turn to Eurotunnel to get them over the channel instead, causing additional delays there too. 

Stockpiling is the latest to blame for the delays, as fears of a no-deal Brexit grow. It seems everyone from supermarkets to specialist goods suppliers are stocking up, in fear of additional delays, import taxes and restrictions that may come about if we cannot make a deal with our European neighbours. 

The year as a whole has, as a result of reduced traffic, seen a massive drop in the usual traffic jams and delays around the country, so the van and lorry drivers who are affected by the cross-channel delays are feeling it particularly hard, after the year they have had, where many saw hours and work opportunities cut as a result of lockdown. 

It seems like this chaos is set to go on if the UK Government is unable to make a deal towards a Brexit agreement and many experts are forecasting months of chaos at UK ports if the worst should happen. 

So, spare a thought for your channel-hopping, van driver brethren this Christmas who may just be starting on what could be months of disruption. 

It’s that time of year…

No, not when Britain locks down again, although it is starting to seem like an endless hamster wheel of doom and gloom. Hopefully for many of you, life will go on and work will continue and you won’t be putting in extra hours as a result of the new lockdown.

But it is the time of year when the days are shorter and winter driving comes into play. So, it’s a smart move to keep on top of what’s going on with your van, and doing what you can to keep things in good working order. A lot of issues and van trouble can be pre-empted by a bit of home maintenance and regular checks to keep things ticking over. 

Get in the habit of walking round your van each day before you set off to give it a quick check over. Are your lights working? Are your tyres all looking okay? Check the tyre pressures weekly, while you’re at it.  Are all your doors secure and your fuel cap tight?

We spoke about van security last week, but it’s important to keep an eye on any doors or windows which could do with some extra security. Always try and park it somewhere that you can see it. 

Regular services are a must. At least once every 10,000 miles is necessary. Make sure you keep everything safe, secure and road-worthy, especially as the weather is getting worse – and make sure you have breakdown recovery, just in case you need it – this weather is not the time to be broken down in the middle of nowhere with no help at hand. 

And of course, make sure your van insurance policy is up to the job. Goes without saying, really.

We’ll talk more about the lockdown and what it means for van drivers next week, but in the meantime, stay safe. 

Time for an Electric Van?

It seems the world of vans is heading into an all-electric future. This week, delivery giant Amazon unveiled their new custom electric delivery vans which they are rolling out on a large scale through the next few years, with plans to have 100,000 on the road by 2030. 

The van was designed in part with input from Amazon delivery drivers, and features in built Alexa, state of the art traffic sensors, hands-free, real-time navigation, an ergonomically designed driver’s seat, improved access to packages, thanks to a new interior layout, and 360-degree cameras around the vehicle. The company developed the vans as part of a wider green initiative to be carbon neutral by 2040. 

Meanwhile, Kier group, who are responsible for many of the motorway and major road repairs in the UK have also just added electric vehicles to their fleet, in the form of electric taxi vans that are capable of carrying two Euro sized pallets with a payload of up to 830kg. 

These taxi vans will deliver supplies to roadwork sites up and down the country and are currently being tested around the UK. Again, these form part of a bigger goal towards carbon neutrality for the Kier Group. 

The good news is that the drive for electric vehicles by these companies is seeing electric technology being integrated into many commercial vehicles rather quickly. This means that prices are starting to become realistic, the technology more reliable and the savings from owning an electric van are becoming something worth considering for many van drivers. Maybe next time you are due a van upgrade, it will be worth taking a look.

Adding some flex to van insurance

It’s a dog eat dog world out there and latest news shows that, with an uncertain future ahead of us all, and no knowing if we will be locked down once more any time soon, it seems that more people are turning to van driving as their career of choice.

Latest news suggests that van insurance policy numbers are on the rise, with more people looking for job certainty and, faced with another potential lockdown, many have decided that working as a delivery driver is the career for them.

And we can’t blame anyone. While the world ground to a halt earlier this year, one of the careers that endured was that of delivery driver. Likewise, the building trades appeared largely unaffected, with more people deciding to spend their holiday savings on home improvements instead. So it’s fair to assume that should we face another national lockdown, that those trades will be the ones that carry on as before. 

In fact, there was a 52% increase in requests for van driver insurance quotes between April and June of this year as lockdown started to ease up. 

Van driver insurance companies have begun to respond to this with improved, more flexible van insurance policies becoming available, from single, by the day cover, to monthly policies that can be used as and when people need it. We welcome this, as with other changes in the van insurance world, to a more flexible approach that can mix and match with people’s needs. The car insurance world recently saw a new type of policy come on the market, where people pay to unsure by miles driven and we suspect that some bright spark won’t be far behind doing something similar for the van drivers of the UK soon. With such uncertainty of where we are headed as a nation this winter, we can imagine some people will be very happy to see this kind of insurance policy around. 

Another Lockdown Looms?

Well, today we find ourselves – van drivers and non-van drivers alike, on a precipice. While we don’t mean to come over all prime minister on you all, it appears that today or tomorrow might see the UK go back into some form of lockdown which may be two weeks, may be longer. Either way, it’s going to be pretty crappy news for van drivers. 

A short lockdown will see many things once again grind to a halt – from beauty salons to builders’ merchants, shops to suppliers, the only upside for those who drive vans is going to be food delivery drivers once more, we suspect. Which kind of sucks. 

Of course, we can speculate as much as we want, we don’t know and to be honest, it doesn’t really feel like those in power have much of a clue, either. All this talk of ‘circuit breaks’ and new laws imposed… who knows? 

While it appears that much of the building industry is enjoying something of a renaissance as those in power chase their tails and those who were off on holiday decide instead to spend a little on some DIY, the rest of the UK is left in limbo, with furlough due to end, which will inevitably lead to some job losses and another lockdown could see many local businesses collapse, forced to close their doors once and for all. All of which will inevitably affect van drivers of the UK in some way shape or form.

If you did skip out on MOT-ing your van during lockdown, we do suggest doing it now, while you can, because who knows if there could be another blip which means that those without MOTS who can’t then get one as a result of a lockdown could find themselves up the creek without a paddle. 

Of course, we will know by this time next week what is going on (perhaps, maybe… maybe not), but for the self-employed and small business people like the van drivers of the UK, it could indeed by the apocryphal winter of discontent. 

COVID Cycle Lanes – Coming to a Town Near You

You know when you open up Cheap Van Insurance to see what’s new, that you’ll always be met with the latest news, views and opinions from the world of van driver news and motoring. And, dear readers, while we don’t like to blow our own trumpet (bar the odd toot), it seems rumblings posted here first are gathering momentum.

Yes, it seems the mainstream media have cottoned on to our lament of some weeks now – that cyclist groups and teams of eco-warriors are using the COVID crisis to take advantage of local councils and use the current health crisis as an excuse to close roads and put restrictions in place.

Yes, we called it some weeks ago, but it seems our local case is not in isolation. Up and down the country, including London, Manchester, Birmingham, York, Oxford, Derby, Nottingham and Cardiff are all seeing the very thing we warned against. 

Thanks to these groups, van drivers up and down the country are seeing road closures, parking bay suspensions, major diversions and extra cycle lanes appearing out of nowhere. But, far from making everyone’s lives better, these restrictions and alternations are making the life of van drivers in particular, absolute hell.

Traffic jams, causing pockets of super high emissions and pollution hotspots are springing up left, right and centre, as tailbacks mount as a result of these changes. Not only are van drivers getting held up on their deliveries, but once they reach their destination, they are finding parking to drop off impossible, thanks to parking bays being suspended in a bid to free up road space for pedestrians’ use. 

Cycle lanes that are barely being used are causing huge tailbacks as roads are narrowed to single lanes to accommodate them. 

The movement is said to be spending upwards of £225m on these changes, most of which are being sneaked through without any, or very little, public consultation. Were there consultation, we know that ordinary motorists, van drivers and business owners would all have quite a lot to say about these changes. Business owners are not only struggling to get deliveries, but also missing out on vital business that comes from people who need to drive to reach them and find themselves unable to park.

Think about it – those who are reluctant to use public transport – quite a few in these COVID teams we are living in, are being prevented from getting into their local towns because the local councils have made it all but impossible for them to park.

The knock-on effect is catastrophic. No businesses means no van deliveries. Which means no jobs. These short-sighted councils are seemingly hell bent on putting green policies ahead of keeping struggling small businesses (and all the trade they generate) out of business. 

If it is happening near you, we urge you to take action. Speak to your council. Sign petitions. Speak out. Otherwise we all face a future where you may not need the best deal on van insurance – because there are no businesses to deliver to.

It’s time for UK van drivers to come together and have their say. 

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