Christmas Cheer from Cheap Van Insurance

It’s that time of year again. 

Whilst the majority of Brits are feeling festive, most delivery drivers are fighting a war against thieves.

You only have to turn on the news to hear about several delivery drivers once again being attacked by thieves. Unfortunately, the seasonal holidays increase this danger. 

In Birmingham, just last week, nearly 100 packages were stolen from a Hermes delivery van. You just know that the van was undoubtedly full of Christmas gifts, too. Thankfully the driver was left unhurt, but she is most likely right in thinking she was targeted, as well as followed.

This comes from a string of reports of parcels also being stolen from many customers’ doorsteps. Some people just want to watch the world burn, don’t they?

Remember folks, it’s best to keep your van locked and keys secured at all times. Even if it’s a 5-second jolt to the customer’s doors. A thief can use any amount of time to their advantage.

Delivery drivers haven’t had the kindest treatment this year, so here is another post dedicated to you, and your vans.

Below, you will find a Christmas poem that will hopefully provide you with some cheer, but it’s also a dedication to our delivery driver heroes. 

Enjoy, and from all of us here at Cheap Van Insurance, a very Merry Christmas to all our readers and customers! 

P.s. if you have wished for cheaper van insurance deals for Christmas this year, use this form to see what cost-busting deals you can get.

A Delivery Driver’s Christmas

In the lead up to Christmas Day

Many are at home, awaiting deliveries

Busy delivery drivers are working away

Hitting impossible targets, but how?

It’s a mystery

We applaud their vigour

And vigilance too

For thieves will be watching

Awaiting their cue

Criminals will try to steal your gifts

But delivery drivers stand firm,

Work crazy shifts,

and provide lifts

To your children’s presents

Making burglars hiss

They fight off the thieves,

Through staying alert

And protecting your package

Though some may get hurt

So this Christmas

We salute the true Santa Claus

They are our delivery drivers

Who deserve rounds of applause

Delivering the gift of Christmas

So, for those of you who are delivery drivers, this year should, in theory, have been ‘it’ – the run up to Christmas, the busting your chops to squeeze in endless deliveries of Christmas goods for the people who shop online.

But this year has been different in so many ways and the Christmas rush may not be over, come December 24th. While last year saw a run of online ordering putting unprecedented demand on van drivers over the festive period, nothing could have prepared us for what happened in March, when COVID struck. 

The poor delivery drivers of the UK didn’t know what had hit them. It was like Christmas all over again, with the country locked down and ordering online becming something of a national pastime. Delivery drivers didn’t know what had hit them, as they worked around the clock, busting a gut to get things to people – from food to fancy fripperies, and everything inbetween. 

And this Christmas, the heat is on again. Brexit related stockpiling is seeing delays at UK ports and a huge backlog of things to get to people, from building supplies to Christmas presents. With most of the country in tier 3, that is all in addition to those who are reliant on online ordering to deliver everything from clothes to groceries. And now, as of yesterday, ports into the UK are closed. Who knows what that will mean. More deliveries, fewer deliveries… many businesses will be scratching their heads and trying to figure out if they actually have anything to send at all.

Many experts are predicting that this seasonal rush will carry on right into January and even beyond, depending on what happens with Brexit and how quickly the COVID vaccine can be rolled out. But of course, with this new raft of port closures, the truth is nobody knows what is coming next.

So, while it doesn’t really help ease those tired limbs or the sheer exhaustion, we just want you to know that this Christmas, we here at Cheap Van Insurance doff our caps to you all – from the delivery drivers, to the man and vans, to the builders and brickies and everything in between. Here’s hoping next year gets back to something approaching normal and life can return to the heady days when people went out and actually got things for themselves. 

How to Save On The Cost Of Running Your Van

Christmas is coming. Want to save on costs?

While the goose may be getting fat, many of us are feeling the pinch in our pockets at the end of a tumultuous and unprecedented year. 

You all know the old saying, save the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.

While we here at Cheap Van Insurance work tirelessly to bring you the very best van insurance provider deals.

Direct to your inbox,

which are sure to save you a few quid, we thought we’d go through a few more ways you can save a few pennies. 

1: Summer is over. 

So turn off your AC.

Yes, we know you guys like being cool behind the wheel, but open a window and save yourself a few quid.

Running your AC year-round not only uses a lot of fuel, but also means you’ll need to pay to get your system re-gassed sooner.

So think twice before you have it on blast all day.

2: Stop costs going through the roof.


Having stuff piled on the top of your van such as ladders can end up costing a few quid more than you need.

Of course, you need some of the stuff, but all of it, all of the time? Maybe not.

Not only does the extra weight add to fuel costs, but it also does a number on your aerodynamics,

adding more drag which again, equals paying more at the pumps.

3: Consider how much you fill up:

Adding fuel means adding weight and if you don’t need a full tank, why go all the way?

Fill up not quite so full and a little more frequently and you’ll pocket the savings.

4: Consider how much you fill up (part 2):

Do you really need everything in the back of your van?

Is your cab full of rubbish that can be binned?

Have a good clear out and only take what you need for your jobs. Less weight = less fuel.

It’s a smart and simple way to save a few bob. 

5: Drive in style:

If you have cruise control and can use it, do so.

If you have a more modern van with a fuel efficiency mode, use it.

We know it goes against the very ethos of many van men, but driving calmly and smoothly can really make the biggest difference to your fuel consumption and costs.

Go gently, easy on the brakes and slow on the revs and you’ll be able to see the difference in your wallet in no time.

Now, all that you need to decide is what you want to spend those savings on. Christmas is coming, after all. 

The Van Driver’s Carol Service – Part Two

Wow – we were blown away by last week’s carols – you LOVED them!

So, who were we to say no, when you asked for more? But, with just 2 days before Christmas, before we bless you with yet another CVI belter, we did just want to take a moment to thank you all. You keep our country moving. Businesses, big and small simply couldn’t function without you. Hopefully, it’s just a matter of hours before you can deliver that last parcel, hang up the van keys and just relax for a few days, before it starts all over again.

Van drivers of the UK; we salute you.

On the First Day of Christmas:

On the first day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Insurance savings for all to see

On the second day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see

On the third day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see

On the fourth day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see

On the fifth day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Five-staaaar service, four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see

On the sixth day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Six footwell mats, five-star service, four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see

On the seventh day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Seven pairs of socks, six footwell mats, five-star service, four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see

On the eight day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Eight London jobs, seven pairs of socks, six footwell mats, five-star service, four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see

On the ninth day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Nine parking tickets, Eight London jobs, seven pairs of socks, six footwell mats, five-star service, four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see

On the tenth day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Ten roadside repairs, nine parking tickets, Eight London jobs, seven pairs of socks, six footwell mats, five-star service, four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see 

On the eleventh day of Christmas, CVI gave to me 

Eleven football shirts, ten roadside repairs, nine parking tickets, Eight London jobs, seven pairs of socks, six footwell mats, five-star service, four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see 

On the twelfth day of Christmas, CVI gave to me

Twelve months of savings, eleven football shirts, ten roadside repairs, nine parking tickets, Eight London jobs, seven pairs of socks, six footwell mats, five-star service, four 4 by 2’s, three furry dice, two magic trees and insurance savings for all to see 

Happy Christmas everyone! Safe driving!

All Hail The Van Driver’s Carol Service!

In honour of you, our wonderful, Great British van drivers, slogging their hearts out year-round, up and down the very core of our green and pleasant land… to celebrate you, we decided we’d create your very own Christmas carols. (Because who wants to sing about Wise Men or do impersonations of Mariah Carey… maybe some of you do, but you probably want to save that for when you’re at home) …

So, with no expense spared, here we go (everybody join in) …

Van Driver’s Wonderland

“Van Drivers, are you listening?

To the song that we’re singing?

We’re driving along, singing our song, 

Saving on insurance as we go.

In the van, there’s some tyres

For our goods, we’ve got buyers

The diesel is paid,

The shortcuts we’ve made

Saving on insurance as we go

In the forecourt, we can eat a pasty

With a nice hot brew to wash it down

Hit some traffic and we’ll say no ma’am

There’re no delays when we are in your town

Later on, we’ll perspire

And set the AC higher

To face unafraid

Rush hour in Portslade

Saving on insurance as we go

We wish you some happy driving

We wish you some happy driving 

We wish you some happy driving

We wish you some happy driving 

And a happy new year

Great savings we bring

Our comparison is king

We wish you some happy driving

And a happy new year

… Admit it, you’re going to be singing these ones loud AND proud! Drive safe!

Tips for Tiredness:

It’s getting to that time of year when for many of you, our humble, van driving readers, things really shift up a gear (pardon the pun), as Christmas deliveries begin to peak and you’re here, there and everywhere and working all the hours God sends trying to fit 15 hours of work into eight or nine.

It’s exhausting. 

You’re rushing around with impossible targets to hit, just a breath away from telling your boss where to shove it most of the day. The traffic is worse, thanks to the crappy weather and pensioners with nothing better to do than take a little 20 mile an hour pootle into town to look at the pretty Christmas windows, when you’ve got a job to do.

When you feel like that, even if you are working more hours than you know is good for you, it’s important you make time for yourself. Stress causes people to make silly mistakes and tiredness can, as we all know, be fatal. If you’re feeling your blood pressure rising, it’s easy to tell yourself to man (or woman up) and have a few beers to unwind when you get home. But not only is that just making the problem worse, overdo it and get breathalysed in the morning, and it could cost you your job. 

Save the booze for the night before your day off, and start each working day with a clear head.

Eat well. Again, if you are busy and rushing, it’s easy to skip a meal or live off junk food. But good nutrition will give you the energy to face the challenges of a busy schedule.

Try and make time for yourself. Even if you don’t have much, make a little. You may want to lose yourself in gaming, or a box set or a good movie. When you’re doing whatever it is, try and put the phone/iPad/laptop down and focus on doing just one thing.

Try and get some exercise. We get it, you’re exhausted already, but if you’re able to get a kick about in, or a quick gym sesh, the endorphins that creates will make you feel 100% better. And you’ll sleep better too.

Keep electronics out of the bedroom. No sitting on your phone or TV in bed. The blue light emitted is proven to create sleep problems. Instead, focus on using your bedroom for, well, sleeping. 

Don’t kid yourself into thinking that a coffee is going to perk you up when you’re driving. Neither will opening a window. You need to pull over and rest. Just napping for 15 -20 minutes will make all the difference. And you’ll feel refreshed when you wake and more alert and ready to get back on it. 

Take a tip from the ladies. Time spent on you, is time well spent. Go and get a massage (no, not that kind) in a spa or salon. It’s like one of those big secrets of the male world – loads of guys do it, but few admit it. You’ll help undo some of those knots from your time behind the wheel and sleep and feel so much better for it. 

If you need to put the brakes on – do so. We don’t mean your van – we mean all of it. If you are struggling and finding it too much, you need to say no. Whether that’s to extra social activities, or to overtime requests, no amount of extra dosh in your pay packet is worth the consequences if you’re truly burned out.

Perfect Christmas gifts for Van Drivers

Okay, so you’ve been asked what you’d like and besides that box set and PS4 game that you know you’re not going to get, what can you ask for?

Here are our top ideas to make any driving days just that little bit better.

Like your coffee? How about a portable espresso machine? Perfect for coffee on the go. This takes classic coffee pod filters, and can be plugged in to your van’s power socket.

Or what about a heated lunch box? This is great for those who drive long distances and want a hot meal, without paying an arm and a leg at the service stations – just plug it in to your car charger socket and enjoy a nice warm lunch, rather than a chilly limp sandwich.

Magnetic phone and coin pads.Never be rifling around for coins again, have your phone where you can see it, and generally be a little more organised with one of these. 

Heated seat pads. Because there’s nothing like a warm bum on a cold day! Or, go the whole hog and ask for an in-car electric blanket. Perfect if you’re a driver up north who frequently battles with the snow and can sometimes see yourself stuck in accident traffic or impassable roads. 

In-car Wi-Fi. Turn your cab into your office with one of these great gadgets. Be always on, listen to music, game while you’re waiting for a pick-up (but not in a traffic jam, please)

Mini hoover.Let’s make spiders dropping from the visor a thing of the past, people. An in-van mini hoover can help clear up those crumbs and that dirt in no time. 

Hanging storage. Keep all your paperwork in one place, and find things fast. It will shave a few minutes off your day, and in an industry where every second counts, you’ll be thankful for it.

A lumbar support cushion. Because being a van driver plays havoc with most people’s backs, given enough time behind the wheel. A solid, supporting cushion for your back will pay dividends and save the cost of those trips to the osteopath. (although we can recommend a brilliant one, if you do need one). 

Van detailing kit.Because we all like a nice, clean van, don’t we? Oh, wait. Well, maybe if you get one, you’ll actually use it. We can’t force you to, but you know, it might just give you the motivation that none of the lads have managed. Make it a new year’s resolution. 

A driving experiences.No chugging along, waiting for the diesel to finally kick in and give you some oomph. Blast out your driving frustrations with a track session in a supercar at one of the U.K.’s race tracks and unleash your inner Lewis Hamilton (other F1 drivers are available). 

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