Courier? You May Need Special Insurance

If you’re working as a man (or woman, obviously) with van as a courier, we hope you’ve got the right insurance.

Some, pushed into a new courier career, thanks to Covid, may not be aware that it’s more than standard van insurance that is required.

Couriers can’t just make do with van insurance and hope for the best.

If your van gets broken into or stolen, you need to be pretty certain that the cost of whatever you have inside is covered,

or you could find yourself in a sticky situation.

Not only that, as couriers are also in contact with member of the public for work,

anyone working as a delivery driver needs to have public liability insurance to make sure that they are fully protected.

Most van insurance companies offer specialist courier insurance policies, regardless of what type of vehicle you are using.

These are often more expensive than regular car or van insurance.

The high cost of the goods you transport is one factor.

Plus, spending more time on the road than other drivers increases your accident risk and expenses.

Similar to regular car or van insurance, you can choose third-party cover, third-party fire and theft, or comprehensive.

Comprehensive is always the best option for full coverage.

Additionally, goods in transit insurance protects the value of any items lost or damaged during transit.

This also covers your van and contents in case of theft, whether parked at home or out on deliveries.

A longer driving history, strong van security, and fewer motoring convictions all help.

These factors keep your courier insurance costs down.

Use our free quote tool to ensure you are getting the best deal on your van insurance.

We may be over the snow, but accidents and thefts can happen any time, so it’s always best to stay safe. 

Time To Ditch The Go-Faster Stripes?

Here at Cheap Van Insurance, we know what it’s like.

Van drivers are busy people.

You’ve got places to be and people to see and no time for a chat.

But if you are one of the many white van people who are tempted to exceed the speed limit from time to time,you may want to think again. 

That’s because the boys in blue are rolling out the speed cam in blue.

Anew, handheld camera that is capable of catching drivers who are exceeding the speed limit, day and night, from a distance of 750 metres. 

The new, handheld cameras are being rolled out by police forces up and down the country, including by Warwickshire and Northumberland police.

Costing around £10,000 per camera, they can automatically identify the make, model and number plate of vehicles from a distance – far greater than was previously possible with other handheld speed guns. 

And don’t think if you haven’t been stopped that you haven’t been caught.

These devices automatically send video images to a database and automatically issue a penalty charge.

Penalties are currently a minimum of £100 and three points on your license.

Not only that, these cameras are also capable of detecting errant mobile phone users, tailgaters, and non-seatbelt wearers too.

The days of pretending it wasn’t you behind the wheel of the company van are well and truly over. 

If that wasn’t enough, it can also read rear number plates too and is untraceable to jamming devices that identify fixed speed cameras ahead.

So if you are a bit prone to putting your foot down or driving that littler bit too close, beware. Y

our days without getting caught may just be numbered. 

Tradespeople On The Road: Locked Down, But Not Out

Essential Work For Tradespeople Or A Risk?

Demand for tradespeople has surged since the first lockdown ended.

British van drivers – many of you are still out on the road, despite lockdown.


But now, a debate has sparked: should the government allow this during a national lockdown?

SAGE Calls For Limits On Tradespeople Work

SAGE, the government advisory group, has a strong opinion.

They’ve urged officials to restrict to only “critical” work.

Or work that can’t be delayed due to health and safety.

Currently, most trades are still running – with a few changes.

Workers wear masks indoors and maintain social distance.

But, they face no limits on the type of jobs they take on.

The Unfairness Factor: Who’s Really Left Out?

And here’s a twist:

The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed, an industry group, is speaking up.

Their message?

Stopping tradespeople would be unfair.

Did you know?

Approximately 1.5 million tradespeople, however, were excluded from financial support.

Some, for instance, were short-term contractors.

Others, meanwhile, worked on zero or low-hours contracts with limited companies.

In their situation, every job truly matters, and every pound absolutely counts.

Why Restrictions Could Be Devastating For Tradespeople

Imagine the government tells you that you can’t work, yet you still don’t qualify for support.

That’s the reality for many. And restrictions on trades could be disastrous.

Unlike office jobs, they can’t “work from home.” Their work is hands-on.

And let’s be honest:

The rules, however, feel confusing and inconsistent.

For instance, nurseries and churches allow large gatherings.

Yet, at the same time, tradespeople – who perform critical services – face restrictions.

Where’s the consistency?

Hope Ahead: Vaccines And Lower COVID Cases

Many trades include essential work, like heating, plumbing, or other vital services.

They’re often called to fix things that simply can’t wait.

And here’s to hoping:

With the rapid vaccination rollout, we might see an end in sight.

COVID cases are dropping. We’re moving forward.

For the tradespeople of the UK, let’s hope work can continue.

Maybe not “as usual,” but enough to keep their families fed and secure.

BBC Biased Against Van Drivers?

So, as another lockdown comes into full force, the weight of online shopping rests on van drivers.

Builders and brickies keep on keeping on, while the BBC finds itself in hot water this week.

The issue?

Allegations of bias against car and van drivers, which may surprise absolutely none of you.

The cycle-friendly broadcaster has been accused by lobby group Fair Fuel UK of an anti-car and van bias.

The BBC often portrays the motorist as the cause of problems, says Fair Fuel UK.

Fair Fuel accuses the BBC of favoring the well-financed green environmental position.

Historically seen as the voice of neutrality, the BBC now faces increasing criticism for biased opinions.

These views are increasingly out of step with the average person on the street—or in their van.

The BBC seems to particularly target diesel drivers, despite many unable to afford newer electric vehicles.

Not everyone is on a state-funded BBC salary, after all.

The reality?

Not everyone can get around by bike, especially during winter.

The unused cycle lanes from the last lockdown prove this point, especially in winter snow and ice.

Chaos up and down the country is already building, with more to come in the weeks ahead.

We appreciate the work of Fair Fuel UK, standing up for British van drivers once again.

They face constant challenges while keeping the country moving, rain or shine.

Let’s not forget we’re here to help you, too.

Whether it’s a news story to brighten your week or saving on van insurance, every bit helps.

How to Save On The Cost Of Running Your Van

Christmas is coming. Want to save on costs?

While the goose may be getting fat, many of us are feeling the pinch in our pockets at the end of a tumultuous and unprecedented year. 

You all know the old saying, save the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.

While we here at Cheap Van Insurance work tirelessly to bring you the very best van insurance provider deals.

Direct to your inbox,

which are sure to save you a few quid, we thought we’d go through a few more ways you can save a few pennies. 

1: Summer is over. 

So turn off your AC.

Yes, we know you guys like being cool behind the wheel, but open a window and save yourself a few quid.

Running your AC year-round not only uses a lot of fuel, but also means you’ll need to pay to get your system re-gassed sooner.

So think twice before you have it on blast all day.

2: Stop costs going through the roof.


Having stuff piled on the top of your van such as ladders can end up costing a few quid more than you need.

Of course, you need some of the stuff, but all of it, all of the time? Maybe not.

Not only does the extra weight add to fuel costs, but it also does a number on your aerodynamics,

adding more drag which again, equals paying more at the pumps.

3: Consider how much you fill up:

Adding fuel means adding weight and if you don’t need a full tank, why go all the way?

Fill up not quite so full and a little more frequently and you’ll pocket the savings.

4: Consider how much you fill up (part 2):

Do you really need everything in the back of your van?

Is your cab full of rubbish that can be binned?

Have a good clear out and only take what you need for your jobs. Less weight = less fuel.

It’s a smart and simple way to save a few bob. 

5: Drive in style:

If you have cruise control and can use it, do so.

If you have a more modern van with a fuel efficiency mode, use it.

We know it goes against the very ethos of many van men, but driving calmly and smoothly can really make the biggest difference to your fuel consumption and costs.

Go gently, easy on the brakes and slow on the revs and you’ll be able to see the difference in your wallet in no time.

Now, all that you need to decide is what you want to spend those savings on. Christmas is coming, after all. 

Van Insurance Set to Increase

As if the current lockdown wasn’t enough to have us all hunkering down for the winter, news this week is that van insurance is set to go up in cost. In fact, since the end of the last lockdown, they have, reports suggest, already increased by 1.6% in the last 3 months, compared to a drop of 2.4% during lockdown.

If you get all whizzy with the maths, that is still a net decrease of 0.8%, but given that many van insurance commentators (yes, they actually exist), had predicted a much greater fall, it doesn’t make for happy reading, especially considering that van drivers were one of the most affected jobs as a result of the lockdown, either by being unseasonably busy or simply unable to work.

There is some good news if you use your van as your main form of domestic transport too  with a social, domestic and pleasure policy – there has been a drop in the cost to renew your van insurance, but given that most of us use our vans for work, this doesn’t really help the drivers who use their vans to earn a living.

Also, with more people looking to switch career and get into van delivery driving due to the cut of jobs in other industries such as hospitality and leisure, bad news for the younger van drivers out there. Unless you are prepared to install a telematics device to reduce the cost of van insurance, the average cost of annual van insurance for the under 25’s is a whopping £3,091. 

What happens next? Well, if this year has taught us anything, it’s that none of us really know. But if you do want the best deals, our advice remains the same – complete our simple quote tool, and let the very best van insurance deals come directly to you. After all, life is hard enough. 

A Week of Heroes and Villans

We start this week with some good news for a change. Yes, despite the weather being more variable than a typical Aston Villa footballing season, we have some good news this week. (No, Villa haven’t signed Gareth Bale – well, not yet, anyway).

The good news is that since lockdown, the average cost for van driver insurance is down. Not by a massive amount, but by 2.3%, which can still represent a good saving on van insurance for most van drivers.

Latest research shows that the van insurance industry has put a pause on their typical insurance price increases, and instead of a hike, have taken a cut.

This is a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, which has seen a marked reduction in the number of white van men and women on the road throughout the UK. This has meant that unsurprisingly, there have been fewer van insurance claims made and so the cost has come down. 

This is particularly good news because prior to COVID bringing the UK industry to a grinding halt, van insurance premiums were at something of an all-time high. 

The group of van drivers who have seen the biggest drop in their van insurance renewal costs are young van drivers, who have seen the cost of insuring their vans decrease by around 14% (although bear in mind, van insurance for young drivers remains eye-wateringly expensive, with an average annual policy costing upwards of £3,000 compared to the overall average policy cost of a smidge over £1000 – representing a drop of 2.3% in the last few months.

The average premium on van insurance has seen a drop of 0.9% over the last year, so the recent drop of 2.3% is a big change downwards, by comparison.

If you are driving your van for work and using it at home on a ‘Social, domestic and pleasure’ policy, if your van insurance is due, you too, should see a drop although it will be around the more modest 1.2% mark.

Of course, like most good things, they are often fleeting (like the feeling of relief felt when Villa scraped through being relegated), because the future is, like football, less certain. With things returning to normal on the roads, there will inevitably be more accidents, and with more accidents come more claims and that of course means an increase in insurance premiums too. 

So, if your van insurance is due any time soon, make hay while the sun shines. Use our free quote tool, to triple check that you are getting the best possible van insurance deal. 

… And finally,  before anyone writes in to complain of Aston Villa bias or to send Villa-related abuse, let us remind you that the future King of England is a Villa fan, and if he has anything to do with it, you’ll all be Villa fans when he’s in charge.

Until next week.

Weekly Roundup – Coronavirus Special

Good news if you insure your van personally and chose Admiral – you are getting £25 back from your policy cost, irrespective of whether or not you are still on the road. Government MPs are petitioning chancellor Rishi Sunak to get involved and ensure all car and van insurers pass some of the savings on that they are making while the country is in lockdown – with a reported 50% fewer accidents happening then it makes sense that we should all be getting something back and not see insurers profiting at the expense of the regular guys and gals out there. 

We do expect more to come on this in the coming weeks and more insurers either being forced or pressured into giving rebates. Some companies are also offering front line and essential workers discounts on their van insurance premiums, so if you are a key worker, be sure to mention it to your insurance broker at the time of your policy renewal and see if you can’t bag a little extra off the cost of your policy. 

Some insurers, such as Aviva and MoreThan are offering customers who are feeling the pinch payment holidays on their insurance payments (for home as well as car or van insurance). Again, we expect more to follow, although do be aware you will still be required to repay your annual policy in full at some point during your insurance term, so it may be deferring greater pain down the line, if you choose to do so.

Sadly, there are more and more reports coming in of serious accidents as a result of dangerous driving or speeding on the quieter than usual roads. As we clearly stated last time, now is not the time to see if you can take the racing line flat in your transit, however tempting that may be. 

In a bit of good news, it looks as if drones won’t be replacing anyone’s jobs any time soon. A new study found that drone deliveries were up to 10 times less energy efficient than vans. So, if you’ve still got a job, make sure you keep it by driving safely, observing all good hygiene practices (wear a mask if you can, even if they suggest otherwise) and keep on keeping on. 

Van Drivers – what’s ahead with coronavirus?

Well, it’s a strange time to be alive, that’s for sure. Panic is mounting over the threat of coronavirus and for your average van driver, that could be a good or a bad thing.

The upside is that more and more people are choosing not to go out unnecessarily and have goods and services delivered to them instead. So many of you can look forward to busier weeks ahead (just think, it will be like Christmas all over again with a ton of deliveries each and every day). Happy days?!

The downside, of course, is what happens if you actually get the virus yourself. And being in and out of businesses each day makes you particularly vulnerable not just to catching it, but potentially spreading it too. Get hold of hand sanitizer if you can, don’t be afraid to ask businesses if you can wash your hands at regular times throughout the day and take a large pack of tissues and a van bin to dispose of them. Consider buying and using disposable gloves if you’re coming into a lot of contact with people. 

Many van drivers form the backbone of the gig economy and many are saying they simply can’t afford to take time off if they get sick. With a budget due this week, we hope that the new chancellor makes moves to do something positive to provide financial help to those who need it, should they be sick. Nobody needs a super-spreader making things worse. 

And of course, what happens for those of you who drive longer distances if we get to a stage where travel restrictions are put in place? Smart fleet owners may be able to set up an inter-regional relay type of structure where deliveries still get from a to b, but who knows if handovers will be possible? We’ll need to look to countries like Italy to see how they handle things and if there is anything we can learn from them. 

Hopefully builders and traders won’t see too much impact in the short term, but of course, there may be supply chain issues down the road (no pun intended) with goods from overseas getting to us on time. And there is of course, the threat of recession down the road all around the world, not just here. 

One thing you can do is make sure you keep an eye on your own money and keep hold of what you can in case you need it to get through the months ahead. Thankfully, we can help with that, by offering the best van insurance prices that will help you keep hold of as much of your hard-earned dosh as possible. In the words of one supermarket – every little helps. Just don’t go and blow all your savings on loo roll. 

In the market for a new van?

It’s that time of year again. The new registration plates are about to be issued next month, and van drivers up and down the country dream wistfully of a brand new, shiny van with all the optional extras a driver could dream of.

And of course, now is the time that the van manufacturers launch their newest models to ensure those who are in the money are ready to show it off from next month with the latest in technology.

This past week, both Mercedes and Volkswagen have showcased their new offerings, the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 3500XD, and the Volkswagen Caddy V5.

The Mercedes is a veritable force to be reckoned with. With almost unlimited variations and added extras, this is a van driver’s dream. A three-litre turbo diesel V6 engine gives as much grunt as the beefiest Scottish van driver could need for getting up those steep hills and glens. A seven-speed automatic gearbox, four-wheel drive and 325 pounds of torque gives it almost off-road abilities. There’s a 10.5” touchscreen, navigation, in-built cruise control in the premium plus package, while the premium package adds lane assist, a rear camera and active brake assist. There are also options for heated mirrors, an electric step at the back, and illuminated front steps. 

Reported to have incredible visibility and more space in the back than a DPD depot, this doesn’t come cheap, but will undoubtedly be the choice of those for whom money is no object and as an investment for a van that’s read to last the distance.

At the other end of the market, for just£21,000 there’s a new VW Caddy in town. The fifth generation of Caddy, this has all the convenience of a hatchback in van form. There are three versions – the Caddy, Life and Style, with more kit as standard on all models. All the Caddys can carry up to two pallets of goofs in the back, but a revamped dashboard with 10” touchscreen makes being behind the wheel a much more comfortable and enjoyable experience. 

Two petrol and one diesel options are available, and there’s even one that can carry additional passengers too. 

If you are in the market for a new van, don’t forget to fill out our free quote form, to know the best possible van insurance prices out there – with the money you save, you may just be able to stretch to one or two added extras on your van spec!

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