It’s Happening. Driverless Vans Are Here…

Driverless, really?

So, we all knew it was coming, as more and more electric vans are on the horizon for production.

Autonomous vans are also hitting the headlines.

But did you think driverless delivery vans would be here this quickly?

What’s the latest on all this about driverless vans?!

Without a driver at the wheel (I don’t think we can say that enough, as we’re in disbelief), an electric van from Arrival has successfully made a journey to a parcel depot.

The demonstrators gathered last week, and now that the company has announced a partnership with Uber in the US, we’re here to tell you, friends.

The future looks green.

Of course, the van now requires further testing on roads, but after this successful event, we’re certain that will happen soon.

Who is Arrival?

  • Arrival focuses on making transport zero emissions, so you’ll probably hear their name mentioned frequently in the future.
  • If you’re interested in watching the video from Arrival, you can click the link here. It shows you everything you need to know about Robopilot, and more.

Can we really be surprised that vans are delivering goods without drivers in this day and age?

If you’re local to Milton Keynes, or have been there recently, you may have seen robots going about their business.

These little delivery carriers brought food to the large town of MK, especially during the height of the pandemic.

And they’re still there. So, for some of you, this may not surprise you at all.

Read more about the tiny Milton Keynes robots here.

So, what’s next? Robots cooking our dinner?


There’s plenty of tongues wagging about the future of many motors being autonomous.

Some say this is to cut down on the number of human lives lost to major accidents and traffic incidents.

Others say it’s an abomination. 

What’s your take on it? We can only imagine it’s all a bit terrifying, to be honest. Let us know your thoughts.

Until the inevitable war with the robots from Milton Keynes takes place, we’re still here.

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All New Volkswagen Vans to Include Autonomous Braking

I’ve spoken before about self driving technology in vans, well, with a recent announcement it looks like Volkswagen are leading the way.

From right now, all Volkswagen vans, which includes Caddy, Crafter and Transporter vans, will be fitted with autonomous emergency braking systems, which are known in the industry as AEB.

If you ask me, this is a very significant move in the self driving revolution by Volkswagen, and I should think that most of the other major van manufacturers will now be following suit, or risk getting left behind.

One expert has even commented that this news is the most important since the announcement of the seat belt. It could very well be.

That same expert has predicted that AEB could save 100 lives and prevent over 100,000 accidents over the next decade. Let’s wait to see what happens.

What I do know is that if true and autonomous emergency braking in vans is the real deal, then eventually we should start to see van insurance prices getting cheaper.

At the end of the day, if there are less accidents then van insurance companies don’t have to pay out as much…which then leads to them passing on the savings to you, the customer. That is the theory anyway.

Of course, there are other factors that decide how much you pay for van insurance, such as van thefts and government interference.

Regular readers of this blog will be only too aware about how many vans are being broken into and stolen around the UK just recently. It has a lot to do with these “magic keys” that are being sold on the internet.

Hopefully once the self driving technology becomes really advanced they can work out a way to stop van thieves once and for all, but for now it looks like van crime is here to stay.

Back to Volkswagen and a spokesperson for the company said, “We’re really proud to be the first to fit AEB as standard to all our vans. This means safer vehicles on our roads.”

Volkswagen seem to be right at the forefront of technology as they also recently announced a partnership with a company called Nvidia, in a bid to make their self driving vans more intelligent.

A dedicated Artificial Intelligence team have been set-up at Volkswagen HQ, and I’m sure they are all hard at work to bring us the next piece of technology that is going to make driving easier and safer.

It might be a while though until vans become completely self driving and delivery drivers are replaced by robots, so for now, the vast majority of van drivers around the UK can get on with business as normal.

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