From Delivery Driver to Superhero

Now, you delivery lot are always receiving praise from us.

We think you go above and beyond in your jobs, every day.

Day after day, you go above and beyond in your work.

Especially in the past couple of years in the midst of a pandemic.

But today, we see how some of you take that extra step, moving closer to becoming superheroes.

Today, we’re excited to salute a true superhero from Edinburgh.

A dedicated ASDA delivery driver, specifically from the Dunbar branch.

Mr Mark Beggs has been cheered as a hero as he used his former soldier training to help save a Transit Van driver after a horrendous crash.

Mr Beggs had only been working with the ASDA branch for some weeks before this happened.

He used quick thinking, remained calm, and did all he could to help save the van driver. 

Basically, he was the type of superhero everyone would want around in times like this.

What Happened?

Mr Beggs was in the delivery van behind the unfortunate van driver, who swerved into a barrier.

While waiting for the ambulances, Mr. Beggs assessed the situation.

With the timely help of a nurse who happened to be passing by, he quickly went into superhero mode.
First, he grabbed a tool from his van, typically used to cut cardboard.
Using it with precision, he managed to cut through the seatbelt that had been restricting the driver’s breathing.
Fortunately, the driver regained consciousness as soon as they cut the belt.
Fueled by a surge of adrenaline, he quickly escaped the car.

However, this led to the poor driver collapsing.

Mr. Marks Gebbs and the off-duty nurse stayed with the van driver until the ambulance arrived.

Amongst all this, Mr Gebbs somehow managed to find time to keep his waiting customers updated!

Yep, it completely flabbergasted us too…

Truly a display of pure excellence from this brave man—and, of course, the nurse! As for Mark Grebbs…

We salute you! 

Naturally, we’d love to hear about other superhero delivery drivers out there…

Do you have anyone in mind?

Or have you experienced something similar?

Let us shower you with praise…

Until then, the one thing we can gift you is cheap van insurance quotes.

A quick 3-minute form is all it takes.

No faff or headache required, thank you very much!

How Sneezing Become Deadly For A Lorry Driver

Today we bring you a sad story about a sneezing lorry driver.

You may have heard the tragic news already, but if you haven’t, then let this serve as a stark warning.

What Reacting Too Late Can Cost You

The tragic incident of a van driver becoming blind in one eye, and suffering brain damage, happened nearly 3 years ago.

However, the man who was the cause of the accident has just been sentenced.

The event happened due to a lorry driver suffering a sneezing fit.

His reactions were too slow, and unfortunately, he did not slow down in time.

This resulted in a crash between his lorry and the van driver.

It has also been reported that the lorry driver was using cruise control.

Unfortunately, after three years, the van driver, Mr Steven Hurst, still suffers from severe memory loss.

The Price to Pay

The lorry driver will spend a year in prison for his mistake, as well as a driving ban lasting two years.

On top of this, he will carry out 80 hours of work (unpaid).

He will also follow the rules of a strict curfew for half a year, as his sentence has been deferred for 15 months.

However, there is clear remorse from Colin Shaw, as he has accepted his mistake and declared he did not react quickly enough.

He agreed that despite traffic being clear to see for nearly half of a mile, he did not use his brakes in time and was too slow to do so.

A sobering admission.

Van Drivers, Be Vigilant

We know this could happen to any motorist out there, but lorry and van drivers, in particular, deal with long hours.

The tiring effects can be detrimental to driving confidence and ability.

We have even heard about people getting into accidents due to wasps in the car, or something similar.

Our sympathies go out to Mr Hurst and his family.

It is tragic and cannot be helped, but perhaps being aware of what could go wrong can help.

Should things take a tragic turn of events, you’re going to want to make sure you’re covered by good insurance.

Fill out this quick 3-minute form to see how you gain just that, as well as make a saving. 

The World Opens Up, but What Next?

So, the world is now pretty much out of lockdown and the roads back to pre-corona levels of traffic. And for those of you who are finding life a bit of a struggle financially, don’t spend too much time thinking about your van insurers.

Why do we say that? Well, because the news is that while the UK was locked down, the car and van insurance companies of the UK pocketed a massive £1.3 billion in savings, as a result of fewer vehicles on the road and fewer accidents.

Now, a few of them, such as LV and Admiral have given back a rebate to some, including to van drivers.

But an awful (In fact, all of them with the exception of the two above) have not. That is a lot of our money that they have pocketed, without so much of a “here, have a few quid back, mates, it’s only fair.”

We don’t know what can be done about it, but we’re just annoyed that there seems to be no recourse when so many people are struggling right now and when the regular people have clearly overpaid for services, it’s not right that they don’t get a refund. 

On the flip side though, we are seeing a huge leap in accidents involving van drivers being reported. We aren’t sure if this is largely to do with the fact that there were fewer cars on the road during lockdown, so comparatively the amount of van driver accidents is up, or if it’s more to do with the fact that there have been quieter roads, which have led to more stupid decisions being made.

Well. If nothing else, it probably helps balance out the van insurers not giving any rebates.

We are also still seeing increased pressure in some areas of the UK to make town centres pedestrian or cycle only. An unmitigated disaster for van driver and the businesses they serve. Let’s hope they die a death in the same way social distancing appears to be doing. How is it round by you? Here it’s like COVID never happened. It will be interesting to see if that second wave comes and if it does – then shouldn’t we be thinking of ways for van drivers to protect themselves to be able to carry on? We don’t know what the answers are, but maybe a van driver’s charter is in order….

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