
Time to Brush Up on those Van Driving Skills?

Logistics UK has launched training for a new van driver safety course. What’s this new course all about, then? There are currently...


Sales of Vans Have Almost Hit Record Levels This Year

Boom, boom, boom, boom! That’s right… Van sales are booming thanks to a rise in home deliveries and the reopening of the...


There’s Another Battle: Now It’s Royal Mail Versus Amazon.

Perhaps not quite the battle of the century like motorists versus e-scooters. but this one’s still worth mentioning.  Especially if you’re a...


Welcome to a Week in the Life of a Van Driver

If, like us, you’re sick of the ‘White Van Man’ outdated stereotypes and would like to read something about modern van drivers,...


Takeaway Delivery Driver Goes Viral on TikTok

Fame. It may not be every delivery driver’s dream, but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) for some,...


A nation divided: are you tickled pink or seeing red?

Ignore the terrible colour puns, but we’d be telling a white lie if we said we didn’t smirk whilst writing it. Last...

Van - E scooter

E-Scooters & Van Drivers: What You Need to Know Now!

Van Drivers, Take Note! Here’s a crucial piece of information to note about e-scooters. New Classification Alert: E-Scooters E-scooters have now been...


Are You Britain’s Next Van Driver of the Year?

We all think we’re the world’s greatest drivers – but not many of us can demonstrate this. Unless you’re a model van...


Tailgating: Avoid Fines From The Latest Driving Law

Are you guilty of tailgating? Okay, own up. Maybe you’ve done so in the past. Perhaps, that one Tuesday when you were...


Weighty Mistakes: How Overloading Your Van Could Cost You Thousands

Van weight. This week’s latest news comes to us from the wonderful town of Reading. You may have heard about an unlucky...

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