Red Diesel Crackdown: What Every Driver Needs to Know Now

With the ban on red diesel coming into effect in April, some countries have been setting up stop points to check on vehicles that shouldn’t be using it. 

So far, authorities have set up stop checks in:

  • England
  • Ireland
  • Australia

Know of any others?

If so, please let us know! 

Why Are Governments Checking Vehicles For Red Diesel?

From April, only vehicles that don’t require road use will be able to use red diesel.

That mainly covers sectors such as agriculture, fishing, forestry or horticulture. 

You can check the full list of allowances and changes on the government website, right here.

However, unless you’re living under a rock, it has been impossible to avoid the news about the soaring costs of fuel.

Whilst this is a global problem, some countries have feared that motorists will illegally be using red diesel. 

The government in England loses money when this occurs, so they add a red dye (hence the term red diesel) to mark the fuel clearly.

This marking makes it easy for authorities to catch drivers misusing it, especially during stops at RSA checkpoints.

What’s The Craic?

In Ireland, certain rules for this diesel have been in place since the 1960s.

They also use a green dye to identify the fuel. 

Authorities randomly check fuel (called ‘dipping’) to identify whether drivers are using the correct diesel based on its colour.

The penalties in Ireland are also a lot stricter and harsher than in the UK, so you’re not going to want to be found guilty of this.

Very recently, a video of an Irish van driver in a Renault Master went viral.

If you haven’t seen it, let us provide a chuckle amidst the havoc of increasing costs.

The driver of this particular fully electric Renault Master still faced a fuel check during the stop.

You can watch the video of the start of the interaction on Facebook, linked right here.

Not the smartest move there from the authorities in charge of the checks, but we appreciate the laugh. 

I’m looking For Cheap Van Insurance

Whether you have a fully electric Renault Master van, or a Ford Transit, we’re here for you.

You can find the best and cheapest van insurance quotes right here.

Simply begin by completing this quick 3-minute form, and you’ll be on your way.

Van Drivers, Hold Onto Your Seats – It’s About to Get Bumpy

Van drivers…

Despite the incoming army of hybrid and electric vans in the future,

those of us still driving petrol and diesel vans are about to find the pennies –

or should we say pounds –

leaving our bank accounts faster than usual.

Why should petrol and diesel van drivers be aware?

Firstly, it’s important to remember that come April, we must not forget that the government’s announcement of rebated diesel (or red diesel) use is coming to an end.

Unfortunately, this could mean that businesses could be in for a shock, as they may face additional fees.

Whilst this may not affect petrol and diesel van drivers, it is still significant as it’s all connected.

With petrol and diesel prices soaring more than ever before, costs seem to be skyrocketing everywhere.

From gas and electricity to fuel and everyday living costs.

It’s also significant to note how fuel companies’ profits have also risen by more than 150%.

It doesn’t quite add up, does it?

As the ongoing war conflict between Ukraine is Russia is also being blamed, why is it that others are profiting?

Perhaps there is more to the story that we don’t understand.

At this moment in time though, all vehicle owners feel like they are being taken for a ride. 

Have you suffered from increasing fuel costs and/or lack of fuel?

For those of us van drivers operating a business or working for one, it’s becoming more and more difficult to keep up with the increasing prices of owning a van.

Have you felt the same, or do you feel differently? 

There have also been excessive queues for fuel once again, impacting drivers who rely solely on their vehicles to get to work.

Van drivers, has the increase in demand for fuel influenced you to go to your local fuel station and stock up too? 

How can I save on costs?

Whilst we may be facing fuel problems for a while yet, we can help you out by offering cheap van insurance deals.

It’s quick to get quotes, too.

Simply complete this 3-minute form, and hopefully, we can help you save some moola.

Delivery Driver Camaraderie Saves The Day

Delivery driver goes above and beyond.

Don’t worry, guys and gals.

This week’s post doesn’t feature something silly like an oopsie daisy, that a van driver has done, or even any dirty motives.

In a refreshing take on delivery driver news, this time we have some superhero-worthy stuff to report. 

Here is a story that is bound to make you feel proud to be a van driver or a delivery driver.

Scottish delivery driver goes above and beyond for his colleague

Derek Stoddart, a commendable Scotsman from Clovenfords, did something that perhaps not all delivery drivers would do. 

Despite the fact that he was supposed to finish his shift at Asda at 2 pm, he ended up staying out and working until 9.30 pm.

He was then able to return to the superstore.

This was because he was helping out a fellow delivery driver whose van had broken down.

Knowing full well that there could be many disappointed customers, the kind Mr Stoddart offered to remain with the faulty van until services arrived, so his colleague could continue making deliveries. 

He was out there with the van for so long, that his family even came to say hi and deliver him his dinner and plenty of coffee.

7 hours later, he was able to get back to Asda, but during his time in the van, it grew dark.

Thankfully, the van’s heating was able to keep him warm.

We imagine he had a lot of time to think, stuck out there in the van. 

If that wasn’t enough, Mr Stoddart reported for his 6.30 am shift the following morning without any complaints.

We’re not sure how many people would be so generous with their time, and we sincerely hope Mr Stoddart was rewarded handsomely.

Perhaps some decent overtime pay, or some freebies from Asda?

What do you think? 

Do you know of anyone, or can recommend a colleague who has gone above and beyond for their van driver or delivery driver duties?

Let us know as we’d love to give them a shout-out. 

Until then, we can offer cheap van insurance deals as a reward for all you van driver superheroes.

Simply begin by completing this quick 3-minute form.

Van Stunt Gone Wrong: The Cost Of Playing Daredevil 

Are you using your van to give mates a ride…

We’re not talking about giving your friends the odd lift here and there – we’re not that stingy.

However, if you’re planning on sticking a chair to the roof of your van,

stick a mate in said chair,

and then speed around…

You may want to rethink things.

And no, this week’s post is not a joke! 

When playing daredevil goes wrong

You know when you were a child, and you were playing on a bike or a skateboard with your friends,

you were maybe tempted to try out some wacky moves.

And that’s absolutely fine, as long as you considered health and safety.

However, what we don’t recommend is fixing a picnic chair on top of your van with bungee straps as a 22-year-old.

And then using that chair to have not one –

but 4 friends – having an ol’ jolly in it whilst you speed around in a car park for A CATTLE MARKET.

You can’t make this stuff up, and reader, we promise we’re not.

In fact, you can read more about it here if we’ve got your curiosity radar on the go. 

What playing daredevil with your van could cost you

Dear van driver friends, as always, we like to say that something just aren’t worth it.

And once again, we have been proven right. 

This van driver rebel found himself being marched to Lincoln Magistrate’s Court where he has been given a suspended sentence of just over 2 years in prison.

Let’s not forget that authorities also banned him from driving for 18 months.

Again. Just not worth it, is it?

What to do when van stunts go wrong

Well, just in case things do end up hurtling in the wrong direction after a daring van stunt or three, you’re going to want good van insurance.

Good van insurance doesn’t always come cheap, however we have the best and cheapest van insurance deals right here. 

All it takes is 3 minutes to complete this quick form, and you’ll have a list of providers before you can say “wicked van stunts”. 

Oopsie Daisies: UK Van Driver Blunders You Won’t Believe!

There have been a few stories circulating around the web recently over UK van drivers making some silly mistakes.

However, we’ve got your back.

We’ve decided to call them Oopsie Daisies. 

These things can happen to anyone.

Can’t they…?

Why don’t you read on and be the judge?

Delivery Driver Working For DPD Gets Stuck Inside His Van – TWICE

Forgot your keys in the van and locked yourself out before?

Fair enough.

It happens.

However, this unfortunate DPD driver trapped himself in the back of his van, not once, but twice.

Thankfully, he created enough noise to grab the attention of a nearby student who came to his rescue.

He used his horn and hammered – which we guess is definitely difficult to ignore.

Now, we get that this is the type of situation that may happen to someone once.

But for it to happen twice?

You may want to wedge your van doors open a bit mate, especially if you have no choice but to go in and get parcels.

Can you relate?

Or has something similar happened to you?

Let us know.

We promise not to laugh.

If you’d like to watch the viral TikTok that caused the van driver’s unfortunate event to become famous, you can watch it here.

Van Driver From Exeter Drives Off With Roof Of Car Park

Not quite the exit he meant to make, we’re sure.

An unfortunate van driver in Devon somehow made the unlucky call and misjudged the manoeuvre. 


While helping a friend move in, the driver likely felt very surprised to discover he had strapped an additional roof to the top of his van.

Witnesses say they are surprised there haven’t been more incidents like this, as the car park roof is quite a low one. 

An oopsie daisie, for sure.

If you’d like to read more about the unfortunate event, you can do so here.

I’ve Committed An Oopsie Daisie, What Should I Do?

We’re quite sure we’d rather have the first oopsie daisie happen to us, but perhaps you’d prefer the second?

Of course, in an ideal world, there would be no oopsie daisies at all.

However, these things do happen, and in events like this, it’s best to be prepared.

That’s why we offer cheap van insurance deals, especially for you.

We will have the lender for you, so why not fill out this quick form, and see what we can do to help.

Delivery Drivers’ Dirty Motives

Delivery drivers… Don’t be this guy.

Sometimes, women despair.

And when you hear what these dirty delivery drivers have been up to, the despair is felt strongly, and rightly so.

Not The Right Idea Of Romance From Delivery Driver

A former model living in Wolverhampton has been left fearing for her safety. 


Well, let’s just say it’s a little creepy.

A delivery driver from Iceland felt it was a good idea to send her a romantic proposal by text message.

This was following a delivery slot when he dropped off her groceries. 

The lady in question was clinically vulnerable and didn’t feel comfortable shopping in-store at groceries during the height of the pandemic.

She found herself feeling vulnerable in other ways, too. 

Now, the scenario might sound harmless to some, but to a woman living on her own, it can be quite frankly, rather scary.

This delivery driver not only knew her name, and her number but due to the nature of his work, also knew where she lived.

Yet, she knew nothing about him.

Whilst it may sound like a good idea on paper, these sorts of messages should really be thought through properly.

Especially if your idea of a lovely date is proposing to meet in the local park the next day.

Not dodgy at all, mate.

The poor lady felt so vulnerable and overwhelmed by the situation that she sought legal action.

Whilst nothing has come of it so far, let’s hope it’s certainly enough to scare off others from a copycat scenario. 

Another Day, Another Deliver Driver Inappropriate Advance

Over in Fife, a van driver has had to go to court.

Yep, you guessed it – another shady proposal made to an innocent woman.

This time it was in broad daylight. 

This delivery man thought he’d try his hand at a far more sinister request, and went straight to asking for an exchange in monies, and well…

We’ll let you guess the rest.

He then had the audacity to pretend he had a brain tumour and didn’t have long to live.

We didn’t think people actually used that as a line in real life. 

Let’s Keep Things Professional

If you are also disgusted by the above story and abhor this kind of behaviour, then you’re probably one of the good ones.

So, we’re going to treat you to some amazingly cheap van insurance deals.

Indulge in our generosity by completing this super quick 3-minute form now.

Delivery Driver Writes a Book

So, what did you get up to during the pandemic lockdowns?

Oh, nothing much, delivered groceries and wrote a book, you?

…is what we would be saying if our name was Paul Lang. 

So, who is Paul Lang anyway?

Ever heard of a book called From Hollywood to Cricklewood? It’s been out since last year and you can purchase it through Apple Books for a few quid.

It follows Paul Lang on his adventures of being a delivery driver during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst this is an interesting fact anyway, what makes it even better is that Paul Lang used to be a documentary filmmaker. 

When his usual documentary work came to a halt due to lockdowns and restrictions, Paul decided to become a delivery driver to Tesco. He quickly discovered the job was far more eventful than most people realised. As his day-to-day progressed, his occasionally challenging journeys led him to meet an array of people. 

Paul’s documented experiences are sometimes wholesome, and sometimes difficult. Not what most people would expect happens in the day of a delivery driver.

Certainly a stark difference to what he used to do; filming in locations like Angola, Iraq and Dunkirk. Don’t let anyone say life as a delivery driver doesn’t come with its risks and joys – especially during a worldwide pandemic!

Share your experiences with us

So, who here has read Paul Lang’s book then? Whilst we maybe didn’t have as exciting jobs as Paul prior to becoming delivery drivers, perhaps you may have read about his experiences.

If so, what did you think? Are you able to relate to any of the events in his book? Did you experience similar situations during lockdowns? Meet anyone in a hazmat suit, or share a teacake with a lovely, old lady?

We’d love to hear all about it and perhaps share your stories. So please leave a comment and let us know.
In return, we can offer something valuable, too. How about some cheap insurance for that ol’ van of yours? With some of the cheapest van insurance deals around, you can get started by completing this form. It takes just 3 minutes!

Flames, Frames and Freemen

Should Freeman pay for Van Insurance?

We’re only two weeks into January, yet the headlines surrounding van drivers seem to become stranger and stranger…

Let’s start with news from Wales.

This story isn’t as weird as it is disturbing, so get ready to grit your teeth. 

Flames And Frames In Wales

Unfortunately, desperation can often get the best of us, but for Mr Sean Clarke, it’s safe to say it consumed him. 

In a hopeless bid to cash out on an insurance claim, Mr Clarke thought he would try to frame one of his friends for setting a van alight.

Not just any old van mind, but a lovely Vauxhall Combo van.

The clearly troubled Mr Clarke had hoped his story of his giving the van’s keys to his friend would suffice with the authorities, but of course, it wasn’t.

The police followed up quite thoroughly and came to the obvious conclusion that Mr Clarke had, in fact, set the van on fire himself.

With 12 offences under his belt already, we sincerely hope Mr Clarke gets the help he needs to turn his life around.

To read more about this story, you can catch it here.

Freemen Of The Land Should Pay For Their Van Insurance Too

So, here is where it starts to get strange.

The first thing we should do is disregard the plural here.

This story is more about a ‘Freeman’ rather than a bunch of them. 

In Staffordshire’s Woodville, police had a laugh after stopping a van driver without insurance.

The driver claimed that as a “Freeman of the land”, he did not require van insurance.

In his head, simply refusing to consent to the laws in the UK meant he didn’t have to follow them. 

Sure, sure… Makes total sense.

Unfortunately for the “Freeman”, the police officers did not see it his way.

This inevitably led to a lot of police time wasted after he refused to exit the van, but he was arrested in the end. His lovely black Vauxhall was also seized, too.

If you’d like to read more about the “Freeman”, you can do so right here.

I’m No Freeman Or Flameman, But Would Like Cheap Van Insurance Deals, Please

Well, it’s good to have you on board, friends.

If you’re a simpler person like us and would rather avoid the hassles of flames, framing and Freemen, then you’re in the right place.

We’re here to treat you to the best and cheapest van insurance deals around.

All it takes to begin your journey is to complete this quick 3-minute form.

Highway Code Updates Every Van Driver Must Know

Changes To The Highway Code: What Every Van Driver Needs To Know

Many UK motorists assume The Highway Code applies only to car drivers.

But here’s the truth:

Anyone who qualifies as a “road user” must observe these rules. And yes, that includes van drivers.

If you don’t want surprises when the rules go live on the 29th of January, read on.

What is The Highway Code?

Let’s get straight to it.

The Highway Code is, without a doubt, your essential guide for road safety rules.

Not only does it include valuable advice and clear guidance, but—most importantly—it also lays out mandatory regulations for all road users.

Whether you’re behind the wheel of a van, car, or on two wheels, these rules apply.

For those looking to dive deeper, you can explore the full details of The Highway Code online.

But we’ll break down what you need to know here.

What’s Changing in The Highway Code?

If you’ve heard talk about these updates sparking debate, you’re not alone.

Concerns are rising that these changes might lead to more accidents, especially if drivers aren’t aware.

Let’s break down the main updates:

Pedestrians And Cyclists First

From now on, pedestrians and cyclists—often referred to as vulnerable road users—will, in fact, have priority at both junctions and crossings.


Even if you’re running late, they come first. So, pay extra attention.

The “Dutch Reach” For Van Drivers

Here’s an important one:

Van drivers must now use the “Dutch reach” to open their doors.

This method ensures you look over your shoulder before opening, helping to keep pedestrians safe.

More Room For Cyclists

Cyclists need space—minimum 1.5 metres when you overtake them. And if you’re going over 30mph, give them even more.

Stricter Mobile Phone Rules

The rules on mobile phones just got tighter.

Don’t take photos. Don’t record videos. And don’t change songs.

Even if you’re stopped at a red light.

Using your mobile in these ways could lead to a fine.


Need a visual guide to these updates?

This tweet from Scots explains the hierarchy, with clear visuals.

What Should You Do Now?

Now that you’re in the know, it’s simple:

Follow these rules once they come into force.

If you find yourself breaking them, you may need decent van insurance.

That’s where we can help – it’s cheap, too.

Simply begin by completing this quick 3-minute form.

New Year, New You?

This one is dedicated to all those van drivers who are working on New Year’s Day. Bank holiday? What bank holiday?

Whilst we know many of you will be breathing a sigh of relief because the roads should be emptier, it’s easy to become complacent over the festive season. 

So, for that reason, we thought we’d provide you with a few reminders of some lesser-known rules, should the urge to rule break or road rage rise.

Keep the expletives to yourself

Though the roads may be clearer, that doesn’t quite mean that there aren’t some terrible motorists out there. However, no matter how bad you think their driving is, try not to let the swear words be heard beyond your own van.

In fact, if you’re found to be a persistent offender of swearing at other drivers, you could find yourself slapped with a fine of up to £1,000. No one wants to welcome in a new year with that.

Leave the fur babies at home

As tempting as it is to bring your loyal companion out on the road with you, you may want to rethink it. 

If your dog is loose in your van, you could be facing a penalty of up to £200. This is because a loose animal in your vehicle could cause you to lose control whilst driving. Even if old Quincy the poodle naps for 75% of the day, it just isn’t worth it, is it? Plus, you get to keep your lovely van fur free.

Leave the horns for the musicians

Here’s one that isn’t known that well at all, and it’s one that we believe a lot of people may be guilty of. 

Ever felt the need to thump down on that horn incessantly? Or seen anyone else do it? Tying in nicely with road rage antics, beeping the horn excessively will result in a lovely fixed fine of £30. 

Now, that doesn’t seem like much, but it all adds up. Especially when we’re tentatively driving into the new year. 

This year, I’m wishing for cheap van insurance deals

As helpful as ever, we’re also providing assistance for those of you looking to purchase cheaper van insurance deals this year. 

Start the new year off right—and just in time for 2022. You can get started right now by completing this quick 3-minute form

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Complete your quick and easy quote

Step 2

Reveal your van insurance policies

Step 3

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