Keeping track of your fleet vans’ movements

As we’ve alluded previously, one of the best ways organisations can expedite cheaper van insurance is by installing fleet management software to keep a track on their vehicles. Not that this is an exercise in trust of your drivers, although it could be used as such if you ever had doubts about any one of your fleet operatives, but rather a way to manage your fleet economics.

Van insurance providers do not only value tracking systems as a way to trace a vehicle if its stolen – theoretically, if you have a tracking system fitted, the GPRS will enable police forces to identify wherever it is once reported stolen, but it also shows that you are indeed serious about managing your fleet, hence your business.

Will fitting vehicle tracking mean my fleet is off the road?

For the time it takes to set up and install, vehicle tracking will save you as much time – and more – than prior to investing in this type of management system. Irrespective of some of the questionable times it may have taken some of your drivers to complete certain runs than compared with others, there is always the ’emergency’ at one of your customers that will put you in the best possible position to know which driver you can either send into them to sort the problem out if they are qualified or, in the case of distribution outfits, send a driver into a supplier to collect a product en route which will get your customer out of trouble and make you look like a hero.

The installation itself, although it may mean several trips to your office for the IT gurus to iron out inevitable glitches on your computer network, will not actually keep any one of your vans off the road for very long.

Installation into your van, truck or even field agents’ cars, depending upon what level you want to go and how much time and money you want to save on your fleet and its subsequent insurance, is relatively quick and painless. Usually, there is only the need to secure a small box to the engine which can be located just behind the dash, and the vehicle is back on the road in no time.

What does tracking have to do with cheaper van insurance?

As well as the reasons mentioned above, namely your ability to command a cheaper van insurance quote from any number of van insurance providers if you can confirm you have the software installed, but it also helps you reduce the amount of miles your fleet travels per annum, if utilised correctly.

The lesser the road travelled, the less exposure your commercial vehicle fleet has to opportunities for incidents on the road.  There are, of course, other benefits to not having to travel so far. Less wear and tear, less maintenance, a reduced garage bill, hence greater profitability.

If you have installed tracking on your commercial vehicles, or are planning to, and are yet to see how much cheaper your van insurance quote will be for it, compare our van insurance providers to see what discount you are entitled to, here on

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